Friday, September 12, 2014

9/15/14 MMM

I'm wondering how people have been doing with the 30 teacher reflection challenge.  I've done the first two, but I plan on continuing.  Mine will probably be a 60-90 day challenge because I've been skipping days.  It is still a good idea to reflect.
The State through a Stem Action Grant will be purchasing a PD platform for all of us that is pretty amazing.  Here is a short video that describes the program four-minute video on Edivation.  This video is really only a snippet,  If you want more information about Edivation, talk to either Jared, Rashel, or me.  We already have licenses to the program.

To Be Aware of

  • It is time to contribute $25 to the Sunshine (faculty and staff) fund. Just give your check or cash to Sheila, ASAP.
  • Just a heads up...each Monday during the assembly, we will have a "Teacher of the Week" in addition to Students of the Week. :) After they call up the teacher, you will be asked three questions:

    1. What is your favorite book?
    2. What is your favorite word?
    3. What is your favorite sound?
  • 2014 Fall Professional Development Catalog is now available online-
    Any questions call Katie Bayton 801-610-8494 or email
  • Change to the Fall Catalog: 
    For the Google Drive for Teachers Class

    Change Wed. Sept. 24th to Wed. Oct. 29th =  4:00 - 7:45 pm
    Change Wed. Oct. 1st  to Wed. Nov. 5th  = 4:00- 7:45 pm
    Change Wed. Oct. 8th  to Wed. Nov. 12th = 4:00 - 7:45 pm
    Change Wed. Oct. 22nd to Wed. Nov. 19th = 4:00 - 7:45 pm

  • For the Training Cyber Smart Kids Class

    Change Tues. Oct. 7th to Thurs. Oct. 23rd = 4:00 - 7:45 pm
  • Safety Week is this week.  Here are the events scheduled for each day:                                         Monday September 15:
    Safety in the Streets
    Teachers will review crosswalk safety

    Tuesday September 16
    Fire Drill - 10:30

    Wednesday September 17
    Safe and Sound
    Teachers will practice what to do
    when students have to stay at the school
    because it's too dangerous to go home
    (blizzard etc.)

    Thursday September 18
    Lockdown Drill with the Police Department - 1:30

    Friday September 19                                                                                                                                         Walk to School Day                                                                                                                        Earthquake Drill - 10:30                                                                                                                                   Teachers will practice what to do incase of an earthquake
  • This week in computers, Emma will be going over privacy and protecting personal information on the internet with all of the grades.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 Sharma
11:32 Hull
11:33 Mac
11:34 McKell
11:25 Connell
11:26 Herman
11:27 Higgins
11:28 West
11:56 Schafer
11:58 Wilson
12:00 Whipple
12:02 Nichols
12:03 Wright
11:55 Austin
11:57 Fiorucci
11:59 Crossley
12:01 CJohnson
12:20 Green
12:22 MJohnson
12:24 Oswald
12:26 Day
12:21 Paravato
12:23 Allen
12:25 Krall
12:27 Rooke

Save the Date
9/15-25 Walk More in Four Continued
9/15-19 Safety Week
9/17 - Room Mom's Tea in Cafeteria 3:45
9/18 K-12 Leadership Seminar - Kyle 8-12:30
9/19 - Fiber Optic Friday 8:15 in the computer lab - Topics:  Dropbox and Backing up computer to external hard drive
9/19 Fall DRA Testing Window Closes (Entry into Skyward doesn't close until the following Friday.)
9/23 - Rob Smith Visit from 10-11.
9/24 - Vision Screening
9/24 - PTA Mtg noon
9/24-26 - PLC Team to Conference
9/26 - Class Partner Breakfast 8:00
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
9/11 Steve Clark (His was last week and I just caught it.  He is our Ballroom Level 2 Teacher)
9/17 Kyle Hoopes

  • I was so impressed with what many of you did to recognize 9/11.  I talked to a few of you.  If you want to know what I learned, talk to 5th and 6th grade.  I know many of you did other things.  I think it would be a great idea to share via comments at the bottom of this post.  I've asked Sarah to do a write up for the All About Alpine newsletter.  Thanks Sarah.
  • Great job Amanda for doing a STEM experiment Friday.  Talk to her about what she did.
  • Thanks for all of your attendance at Faculty meeting.  I know a few of you couldn't be there because of sickness and family situations.  Thanks for talking to me about those issues and making up what we discussed.  You are all truly amazing!!
  • I would like to hear from you stuff that is going on so we can all celebrate with you.  Please share.  The excitement is infectious in a good way.
Good Read for the Week
Great blog post from a friend of mine.  Tell me what you think. 

Fun Video for the Week
Brian Regan is one of my favorites.  At about the 3 minute mark, he talks about his first text message.  Check it out.


  1. For Patriot Day I read a book written by first graders in Missouri to my students (September 12th... We Knew Everything Would Be All Right). We talked about what happened on September 11th, 2001 and how we want to remember and honor the heroes of that day as well as our every day heroes. My first graders then made a class book about their heroes.

  2. Quick funny story too... Mrs. Kirk told me that when one of my students went to her class for reading he said, "There aren't anymore bad guys because Miss Hull checked". She was kinda wondering where that comment came from until we were talking at lunch... We talked about how my first graders had very concerned faces when I read about the planes crashing into the towers. I told them that the terrorists who are bad guys want us to be scared, but that we can decide not to be scared. We talked about how America united after September 11th and that good would always win over bad in the end. I also told them that they didn't need to be afraid of flying because I just flew to Maryland last week and the airports had lots of security machines to keep me safe and there weren't any bad guys on my planes. Hence the comment, "There aren't anymore bad guys because Miss Hull checked". #afirstgrader'strustinhisteacher
