Monday, December 7, 2015

MMM 12/7/15

Hey All,
Thank you to those who commented last week with the question of the week.  I think Homework is something we need to look at and make sure we are assigning appropriate amounts, that it is relevant, and that it has purpose.  If it does not answer appropriately these three criteria, why are we assigning it?  Is the practice we are requiring at home, something that can take place in class?  I agree that home reading and math facts are important.  What about the other stuff?  Please think about your homework policy and we will keep the homework question on the bottom of this MMM to continue the conversation.  Here is an article to read to spur on some more thought on this issue.

One thing about a conversation via this blog, in order to make it a conversation, you can't just say one thing and never refer back to what others are saying.  Frequently check back and see what others are saying, then respond.  Make it an actual conversation.  Share what you have found in your readings.

Okay, now I get to share with all of you some of the things I've learned this week in my personal PD and reflection (Which I hope all of you do by whatever means you can).  The state government is now considering spending a lot of money on making Utah schools 1 to 1 device to student.  I think this can and will be an amazing thing for our kids here at Grovecrest.  This initiative will cost the state somewhere around 100 million dollars.  Quite a cost.  You all know I'm all about devices and the more we put the devices in the hands of our students, teach them properly, and give them a chance to create, the better prepared they will be for the next level.  In saying this, I think we need to be smart about how to spend our money.  Is this the best way to spend 100 million dollars?  Wouldn't it be better to first focus on training or PD so that we are better prepared to make these device more of a positive experience rather than a distraction.  Devices can be a distraction if not used properly and I think all of you can attest to that.  I think we need to think about how we can make these devices more of a tool than a toy before we spend a load of money to put them in the hands of every student.  We need to focus on pedagogy and learn how technology can support that.  Please make sure that when you are using technology with your students, that your activities and lessons aren't centered around the technology, but that the technology is used to support your activities and lessons.  I hope that makes sense.  I hope your week is great.  Let me know how I can support you with your ideas and what you want to do in your classes.  I know we are all about what is best for kids.

By the way, we have a new hashtag we will be attaching to all of our social media.  I'm doing this so that our parents and community can share in using it.  The hashtag is #WeRGrizzlies.  Continue to use #PawPower and #teamkid whenever you can, but make sure from now on, you use #WeRGrizzlies.

This week is Computer Science Education week.  This includes Hour of Code.  What are you all doing to support this week?  I know Emma is already planning something for Hour of Code this week and next for k-2 and at the end of year for 3-6.  Here are a few websites to help give you some ideas so you can do things in your class.

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week below.  Please respond.  It is the same as last week, but we want to use it more as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • How is edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg on the 16th will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.
  • Those on an evaluation schedule including the the "B" schedule, come talk to me or refer to the calendar to schedule a time to be observed if you haven't been observed the 1st round already.
  • We will be having our 2nd Evaluation training meeting this Wednesday after school and Thursday before school.  We will be discussing standards 5 and 6.
  • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.

  • Due to the learning that happened at the PLC Institute, we will be having a special joint collaboration day on Monday the 14th in the library.  Please put this on your calendars and make sure you are there for the whole time.  There is the potential for some great dialogue about what is going great at Grovecrest and what we need to improve on.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
12/7 Choir Christmas Assembly
12/7 Alio/Skyward training Sheila 1 pm
12/8 BYU PC meeting for Zack 12:30 pm
12/8 Glow Performance 6:30 pm
12/9 1st Grade Christmas Sing 6 pm.
12/11 Principal Meeting for Kyle 12-2

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
12/11 Casey Johnson

Gotta give props to Janna Hubert and the choir.  What an amazing concert we experienced this morning.  Their concert at the Jr. High was also very awesome.
Last week our 5th grade put on a greate States Fair in the gym.  The students put a lot of time and effort into their projects and it showed.  I don't know if you noticed, but this was the first time our GrizzKids went out and tweeted.  Take a look at our twitter feed to see how they did using #GrizzKids.  Thanks 5th grade teachers and kids for a great fair and thanks GrizzKids for making it available to our community!

Great Video of the Week
Another great video from edivate. Think about how you could modify something like this to fit how you do things in your class.  By the way, there are 13 new STEM videos on Edivate.  You should all take a peek at the ones for your grade level.

Question for the Week
What do all of you think about homework?  Why?  Purpose?  Policy?  What are your thoughts?  Respond via the comments below.

Have an Amazing week!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

MMM 11/30/15

Hey All,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving break.  I hope you holiday time was satisfactory.  The week before the break, a group of us made a trip to SLC to go to the PLC Institute.  
It was a great week of learning for all who attended. I wish we had the money to take more people at a time because it is such an amazing learning experience. We had some fantastic conversations and we know there are things we can do better at our school to make us even better.  Some of the things I learned from the conference are as follows.
1. Collaboration time is sacred time. Especially if used right. We want to make sure that we don't schedule anything that would take away from this on Mondays.  In my district, it is still contract time. We should be present and participating in order to make our teams more effective.
2. If it is to be, it is up to me. We can't wait for good things to happen. Many times, we will need to take a leap in order to be better educators. We can't be afraid of failure because failure is when we learn new things. We do some tweaking and we try again. If we believe it will make a difference for children, we will do what is necessary to make it work.
3. Norms are an essential part of any meeting, especially Collaboration. Norms should be revisited every time we meet. If someone is not living up to those norms, we can't be afraid to let them know. If we are not living up to a norm, then we can't get offended when someone reminds us to follow the norms. After all, it is all for the kids.
4. All decisions need to be backed by data and evaluation of what is best for kids. We don't make decisions based on what "I like" or "I think". We need to be data driven.
5. Collaboration is about creating a product; something that will help our kids learn better. This should be a norm each collaboration meeting.
6. If we are about pushing our students to do hard things, then we can't be afraid to push ourselves to do hard things. Lead and teach by example. Share the hard things you are learning. Help the kids see through your hard work that accomplishing hard things is worth it. The struggle is worth it.
7.  Our school/your school needs to have a set of agreed commitments, essential values that every decision is based upon.  These commitments are based on what is best for kids and backed by research and data.  When there is a decision to be made by school or team, we look back at our essential values that everyone agreed upon and contributed to.  Then we have a solution.  "What if our decision doesn't work?" you might ask.  Failure is part of learning.  Do we want to teach our kids that if you fail, quit, or carry on with a different solution?  At least what we are trying to do is what we know to be best for kids, failures included.
In discussing these things with the team that 

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week below.  Please respond.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • The board meeting went wonderfully.  Thanks to all who participated
  • How is edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg on the 16th will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.
  • Those on an evaluation schedule including the the "B" schedule, come talk to me or refer to the calendar to schedule a time to be observed if you haven't been observed the 1st round already.
  • We will be having our 2nd Evaluation training meeting next Wednesday after school and Thursday before school.  We will be discussing standards 5 and 6.

  • Due to the learning that happened at the PLC Institute, we will be having a special joint collaboration day on Monday the 14th in the library.  Please put this on your calendars and make sure you are there for the whole time.  There is the potential for some great dialogue about what is going great at Grovecrest and what we need to improve on.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
12/1-12/4 BOGO Book Fair.  Make sure to fill out your wish lists
12/1 District Social Media and Pie meeting for Kyle 1 pm.
12/2 Mtg with Caye from Edivate for Zack and Kyle 9 am
12/3 Choir Performance at PGJH 7 pm
12/7 Choir Christmas Assembly
12/7 Alio/Skyward training Sheila 1 pm
12/8 BYU PC meeting for Zack 12:30 pm
12/8 Glow Performance 6:30 pm
12/9 1st Grade Christmas Sing 6 pm.
12/11 Principal Meeting for Kyle 12-2

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
11/29 Sarah Day
11/29 Sheri Wilson
12/2 Kyle Folsom
12/3 Zack Nelson
12/3 Jalayne Engberg
12/5 Lisa Robinson

Watched a fantastic lesson in Meredith's class.  In one lesson, Zack and I counted 12 different ways she assessed her students.  That is amazing! It is fun to watch you all teach amazing lessons.  
Coach Folsom taught a very fun lessons using hula hoops.  He had the kids making hula huts.  Really cool.
Great Video of the Week
Remember to take time to watch edivate videos each week.  Here is one that is amazing.

Question for the Week
What do all of you think about homework?  Why?  Purpose?  Policy?  What are your thoughts?  Respond via the comments below.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, November 16, 2015

MMM 11/16/15

Hey All,
I had a great week of learning this past week.  I was able to attend a Principal's STEM Academy I applied for and learned a lot about what we could do with it to enhance student engagement and learning.  What was neat is I recognize some of what we are doing would be STEM related, but I am willing to support anyone who would like to implement more of the STEM framework in their instruction.  Here are some of the things I learned.
1.  Release of control is essential in STEM ed.  Instead of telling students what to think, we allow them to think.
2.  STEM is an aggregate, not 4 separate contents.  Use any skill to think deeply and apply multiple disciplines to solve problems.
3.  STEM is less about the stuff and more about teacher belief and pedagogy.
4.  Why STEM? Students are  engaged, motivated, creating, analyzing, and problem solving all day long.  Kids want this.
5.  Hands on is kids hands on, not teacher hands on.  Student are moving, exploring, and doing.  Teachers are facilitating the learning.
6.  True STEM involves collaboration.  It is not a program.  It is a pedagogy, a framework.
7.  STEM allows kids to take on a problem and create a solution.
8.  Stem is not another math or science lesson.  Through explorationn, the student learn the core in a REAL way.
9.  STEM integration is not adding one more thing on your plate.  It's easier because it is such a rich learning environment.

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.

To Be Aware Of
  • We will be hosting a district board meeting on November 24th, just before the Thanksgiving break.  I need from you a student celebration per grade level and anything else you think should be shared with the board about Grovecrest.  Many of you have already done this.  Some have put it in your collaboration agendas.  If you could put your write-ups in an email, it would be easier for me.  Please email this information to me ASAP.
  • The edivate surveys are still available for you and your students to do.  Here is your survey and your students' survey.  They can take the survey at home if they would like.  I will send a letter home to parents this week so they are aware.  As you know, this project is intended to boost STEM Professional Learning in the state and provide evidence to keep existing funding and support future funding.  These surveys are part of that evidence.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg in December will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
  • Please check to make sure to keep the halls clear even when working with parents.
  • There will be a faculty meeting this Wednesday and we will have a guest trainer share with you information about the Family Trauma Center.  Zack will be running the meeting since I am gone to the PLC conference.
  • Thursday is Ed Support Professionals Day
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
11/16-18 PLC Conference team of 9 gone.
Nov. 16-17th Grade change requests
11/18 Faculty Mtg 8:15
Nov. 18th Grades will be printed
11/19 Picture Make up Day
11/19 Ed Support Professionals Day
11/19 Fall Community Mtg with ASD Cabinet in Gym 10:00
11/19 Last day for Robotics. Showcase the last 20 minutes.
Nov. 20th Grades go home
11/20 K12 Seminar 8-1 Kyle
11/23 1st Principals for the day (Sarah and James Hubert)
11/24 ASD Board Mtg 6:00 here at Grovecrest.
11/25-27 Thanksgiving Break

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday

Watched a fantastic lesson in Meredith's class.  In one lesson, Zack and I counted 12 different ways she assessed her students.  That is amazing! It is fun to watch you all teach amazing lessons.  
Coach Folsom taught a very fun lessons using hula hoops.  He had the kids making hula huts.  Really cool.
Great Video of the Week
Remember to take time to watch edivate videos each week.  

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, November 9, 2015

11/9/2015 MMM

Hey All,
Here we go with the second week in November.  Can you believe it? We are already a third of the way through the school year.  You all have accomplished so much, and there is still so much to do.  How do you feel your students are doing?  I hope you feel even the ones you are most concerned about are making gains.  Even small ones are good.  I learned a few new things this week in my own personal PD.  First, I read a great article about how we are apart of our students' stories.  The thing I learned from the article is how those same kids add to our story as educators.  It was a good, quick read.  Here is the link to it.
The second thing I learned was a saying from a Hallmark movie (Yes, I watch Hallmark movies).  Appropriately, the saying came from a cowboy.  He said, "The most spectacular sites are not always on the trail most taken."  This is so true.  My original path was not to be an elementary teacher.  I especially didn't think I would end up at Grovecrest, but the trail I took has led to something spectacular.  You all are amazing and I consider myself lucky to be working with you.
Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.

To Be Aware Of
  • We will be hosting a district board meeting on November 24th, just before the Thanksgiving break.  I need from you a student celebration per grade level and anything else you think should be shared with the board about Grovecrest.  Talk about it during collaboration today and then please email this information to me ASAP.
  • Thanks for attending training this last week for evaluations.  If you were not able to attend, come and see me and we will go over it real fast before you schedule a time with me.  The times are available as 45 minute slots on the calendar.  All you need to do is pick one and it will show up on my calendar.  Here is a quick link to the evaluation calendar.  I have openings this week and next.  I will be starting observations tomorrow and focusing on standards 1-4.  Those who are on the "B" schedule need to let me know what indicators they are wanting me to observe you on.
  • The edivate surveys are still available for you and your students to do.  Here is your survey and your students' survey.  They can take the survey at home if they would like.  I will send a letter home to parents this week so they are aware.  As you know, this project is intended to boost STEM Professional Learning in the state and provide evidence to keep existing funding and support future funding.  These surveys are part of that evidence.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg in December will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
  • This week is the end of the 1st Trimester.  Sheila has sent an email with important information and I have included it in the calendar below.  Please pay attention to that.  Remember, grades submitted by the end of the day on Saturday the 14th.  Here is a link to share when you have posted your grades.
  • Please check to make sure to keep the halls clear even when working with parents.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
11/2 Alio/Skyward training - Sheila
11/3 Evaluation Training in the Media Center 3:45
11/3 CTL Mtg 8:15
11/4 #Utedchat 9-10 pm
11/11 CTL Mtg 8:15
11/11 SCC Mtg 2-3 in Conference Room
11/12-13 Principal's STEM Academy
Nov. 13th -        Trimester ends
Nov. 15th -        Portal closes at midnight
Nov. 16-17th:      Grade change requests
Nov. 18th:           Grades will be printed
Nov. 20th:           Grades go home

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
11/11 Delayne West

We have some Job shadowers from the Jr. High today.  Let's make sure they are welcome and that we celebrate them coming back to watch you.  Tweet it out!!

Great Video of the Week
Great Team Building STEM activity from Edivate.

Great Read of the Week
Refer to the link in the intro for the great read of the week.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, November 2, 2015

MMM 11/2/15

Hey All,
Halloween was a blast.  If you didn't get the link to all the pictures that Michelle put out, here it is.
Halloween Pics
I've learned something from a few different places this week that I want to share with you all.  First, comes in a small saying, "Concern for the one."  To me, this means that each day, I will look for the one child, the one person that I may be able to have a positive affect on.  This may be just a smile, high five, or a small conversation to show I care.  Each day, I am going to look for "the one" I may be able to help.  It makes being a positive influence a little more manageable.
The next is another small cliche'.  "If it is to be, it is up to me."  If you want to make something happen, you can't wait for someone to do it for you.  You need to make it happen.  The question is, what are you going to make happen?  What needs to be done?
November is going to be very busy, so I'll get right with it.

To Be Aware Of
  • We will be hosting a district board meeting in November just before the Thanksgiving break.  I need from you a student celebration per grade level and anything else you think should be shared with the board about Grovecrest.  Talk about it during collaboration today and then please email this information to me ASAP.
  • Training on the evaluation for this month will be Tuesday after school.  I will have a way for all who will be evaluated to sign up for an observation by Tuesday.  I have to observe around 20 of you so sign up fast.  I would like to be through the first set of evaluations by the end of this month.
  • I have two people to do the Edivate uploads.  Thank you.  Don't forget to take a survey and have your students take a survey.  They can take the survey at home if they would like.  I will send a letter home to parents this week so they are aware.  As you know, this project is intended to boost STEM Professional Learning in the state and provide evidence to keep existing funding and support future funding.  These surveys are part of that evidence.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg in December will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
11/2 Alio/Skyward training - Sheila
11/3 Evaluation Training in the Media Center 3:45
11/3 CTL Mtg 8:15
11/4 #Utedchat 9-10 pm
11/11 CTL Mtg 8:15
11/11 SCC Mtg 2-3 in Conference Room
11/12-13 Principal's STEM Academy
Nov. 13th -        Trimester ends
Nov. 15th -        Portal closes at midnight
Nov. 16-17th:      Grade change requests
Nov. 18th:           Grades will be printed
Nov. 20th:           Grades go home

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
11/2 Michelle Allen

We have to celebrate Halloween and how it went.  Some amazing costumes.  Thanks for making it fun for kids.
Did you see BetteJo's outfits after she got back from Florida?  It was like her kids were at Hogwarts.

Great Video of the Week
I know many of you use Remind in your class.  If you don't, you may want to start.  It is a quick and easy way to communicate with parents.  How do you use Remind?  Do you use it in any other way than to give messages of what the homework is?  Here are a couple of videos of different classroom ideas to use Remind.

Here is a link to a great video on Edivate on Project Based Learning.  It is the 1st in a series of three.

Great Read of the Week
This is an amazing article on Connecting with Colleagues.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, October 26, 2015

MMM 10/26/15

Edcamp last week was fantastic!  I loved going around to the sessions and seeing the engagement.  It is unanimous that we should do it we will.  It is pretty split to invite other schools to our next one.  Please tell me why you would or would not like to invite other schools

To Be Aware Of
  • The Monday morning assembly is the Red Ribbon Week Kickoff as well as the Edivate assembly.  We would like to split the assembly into a k-2 and 3-6 assembly.  The things Zack and I will be discussing on Monday is specific to 3-6 and we will have a little different assembly for k-2.
  • We will be hosting a district board meeting in November just before the Thanksgiving break.  I need from you a student celebration per grade level and anything else you think should be shared with the board about Grovecrest.
  • I will have the evaluation schedule ready this week.  You will know what you are required to do per that schedule via an email I will send to you.  No matter what year you are on, all of us have to do a self evaluation on observertab.  If you have forgotten how to do that, please let me know.  It is your whole email address for username and then whatever your email password is.  Here is a link to the evaluation schedule. If you are a 1-3 and an A, you are on a full evaluation/observation year.  The evaluation form looks like this. If you are a B, you get to choose five (5) indicators to be evaluated on.  An example of the evaluation form looks like this.  If you are a "C", you are on a goal setting year.  The evaluation form looks like this.
  • I have two people to do the Edivate uploads.  Thank you.  Now I need everyone to take a survey and have your students take a survey.  They can take the survey at home if they would like.  I will send a letter home to parents this week so they are aware.  As you know, this project is intended to boost STEM Professional Learning in the state and provide evidence to keep existing funding and support future funding.  These surveys are part of that evidence.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our next faculty mtg will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
10/26 Red Ribbon Week Kickoff
10/26 Edivate assembly
10/27 BYU mtg at D.O. Zack
10/27 PG PTA Council Mtg - Kyle
10/28 PTA Mtg - Noon
10/28 PG Cluster Mtg @ Manila - Kyle & Zack
10/29 Principal's Divisional Collaboration 2 pm - Kyle
10/29 Reflection entries due by 4:00.
10/30 Halloween Parade 10:00
10/31 Halloween
11/1 Daylight Savings. Set Clock back one hour.
11/2 Alio/Skyward training - Sheila

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
I don't think there are any birthdays this week.  Let me know if I am wrong.

I have to celebrate those who were willing to facilitate at Edcamp.  Edcamp only happens if people are willing to share.  Even though there were only five or six facilitators, Edcamp allows more than the presenter to share.
Officer Cannavo did a great lesson on bullying this last week during N.O.V.A.  Really good.  Here is the video he shared.  Great discussion with the 6th graders.

Great Video of the Week
Look to video above and remember Edivate.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, October 12, 2015

MMM 10/12/2015

Thanks for a great two days of Parent/Teacher conferences.  People that talked to me had nothing but good things to say to all of you.  Thanks for maintaining positive relationships with your students' parents.
I am so excited for this coming Monday.  I am looking forward to Edcamp.  I know I've only planned for 1 1/2 hours, but I think it will be great.  I have attached a link to the schedule for the day.

To Be Aware Of

Get Ready for Edcamp Grovecrest!

  • We will be starting evaluations in the next few weeks.  I will be sending out an email to everyone letting you know what level you are on and what is required of you.  Also, those who created SLOs, we need to schedule a sit down with those as well.  I will send out an email with that schedule as well.
  • I need two teachers who are willing to upload a video of you teaching to Edivate.  It is part of the STEM Action Grant that allows us to have it for free.  Please let me know that you are willing and then we can set up a phone or ipad camera in the back of the room to record and then upload.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  I've only had a few share on this page.  Take a look.  It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.  Something I learned.  I know many of you have gotten on and done the first assignment.  On my end, it shows you haven't done it.  You need to get on and say you have turned it in.  Learning something all the time.
  • Another video to watch of an edcamp.  Edcamp only works if everyone comes with ideas and is willing to share and learn from each other.  Edcamp is catered to your needs because you all will be the ones scheduling it.

I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.
Save The Date
10/13 Interagency mtg 8:30 - Zack
10/13 BYU Partnership mtg @ D.O. 9:00 - Kyle
10/14 CTL Mtg 8:15
10/19 PD Day EDCAMP!!
10/21 Faculty Mtg Training on E cigs and Payroll deduction 8:15

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
10/16 Lori Whipple
10/18 Justin White

We have to celebrate a great Parent Teacher conference.
Congrats to Sarah for being educator of the week on the Daily Herald.

Great Video of the Week
Look to video above and remember Edivate.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, October 5, 2015

MMM 10/5/15

I hope your weekend was good.  I had a pretty good one.  I was able to learn some things that I've been able to think about and want to pass on to you.  Most phone calls I make to parents are to report something a child has done that is against school rules.  These are phone calls I don't enjoy making.  As much as I try to spin something positive out of them, it never turns out positive.  For this reason, I tried doing Friday phone calls home where you would pass on to me good things that your students were doing and I would pass those on to parents on Fridays.  That was fun for me, but last year I stopped doing it.  I'm not sure why.  I still thing parents need to hear about the good things their kids are doing. I would still like to do Friday phone calls if you are all willing to pass along to me the good things your kids are doing.  However, I would like all of you to take part in this as well.  I would like each of you to make five positive connections a week with your students' families.  That should be easy this week due to parent teacher conferences.  In the weeks to come, I would like to see more positive passed on.  With some of the kids that come into my office, positive desperately needs to passed on at home because there is not much there.

To Be Aware Of
  • Parent teacher conferences this week.  Make sure you are prepared. Also, feel free to go home with the kids on Friday.
  • Thanks to those who turned in their SLOs.  Those who haven't turned them in, please do so ASAP.  Use the links from last week's MMM for the forms to use.
  • I need two teachers who are willing to upload a video of you teaching to Edivate.  It is part of the STEM Action Grant that allows us to have it for free.  Please let me know that you are willing and then we can set up a phone or ipad camera in the back of the room to record and then upload.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  I've only had a few share on this page.  Take a look.  It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.
  • Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Thanks to those who completed the survey. If you haven't yet, please go to last weeks MMM and participate.  Here is another video clip of an edcamp that happened in Canada.  I want all of you to learn about an edcamp from some educators who have attended one.  That is the reason for this video.

I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
10/5 Skyward/Alio Training - Sheila
10/5-9 Book Fair
10/7-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/8 School Pictures
10/8 Secretary Training - Sheila
10/9 4th Grade Utah Stormwater Coalition - Downstairs
10/9 Elementary Principal's Mtg - Kyle

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
10/5 John Stuart 

Zack did a great job with the Edivate assembly.  We would like to hear anything you have heard from the students.
Thanks to the PTA for organizing a great school carnival.  They did fantastic and all of you did a great job as well.

Great Video of the Week
Look to video above and remember Edivate.

Great Read of the Week
Great article from a principal in Texas.  It talks about slowing down when everything around us asking us to get more done.  Here is the link.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, September 28, 2015

9/28/2015 MMM

Hey folks,
Did you see the Lunar Eclipse last night?  It was pretty cool.  If you didn't see it, here is a picture a friend of mine took.

To Be Aware Of
  • No more drills for a while.  There will be less information given out for the next round of drills so we can be better prepared for the unexpected.
  • Thanks to those who turned in their SLOs.  Those who haven't turned them in, please do so ASAP.  Use the links from last week's MMM for the forms to use.
  • I need two teachers who are willing to upload a video of you teaching to Edivate.  It is part of the STEM Action Grant that allows us to have it for free.  Please let me know that you are willing and then we can set up a phone or ipad camera in the back of the room to record and then upload.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  I've only had a few share on this page.  Take a look.  It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.
  • Our first Edivate assembly will be this morning.  We will let you know how it goes.  Remember to focus on Edivate during this time.
  • Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Here is a short video on what an edcamp is.  This is not all of the information you will need to know.  I'll share more.  I just don't want to overwhelm you now.  Also, in order to make our edcamp work, I would like all of you to respond to this interest survey.

I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
9/28 Edivate Assembly
9/28 School PTA Carnival
9/29 PTA Council Mtg @ Manila - Kyle
9/29 DIBELS Testing for K-3 by District Curriculum 9:30
9/29 Skyward training for parent teacher conferences
9/30 BYU Partnership Conference 8:30-1:00 - Kyle
9/30 Double Dosing Aide Training
10/2 5th Grade Field Trip
10/5 Skyward/Alio Training - Sheila
10/5-9 Book Fair
10/7-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/8 School Pictures
10/8 Secretary Training - Sheila
10/9 4th Grade Utah Stormwater Coalition - Downstairs

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
9/29 Nicole Sallenback
10/4 Tess McCleskey

I listened to BetteJo read to her kids last week.  One of the better read alouds I've heard.
We have to celebrate Cheryl and the reading committee for putting on an amazing assembly last week and for putting together another fantastic reading incentive.
Check out some of the great things everyone is doing via our twitter feed on the website.  Some really great things are happening.

Great Video of the Week
Look to video above and remember Edivate during the assembly.

Great Read of the Week
Great article from the author of Mindset.  It is a wonderful read.  Please read it and let me know what you think.  Here is the link.

Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!

Friday, September 18, 2015

9/21/15 MMM

Hey folks,
As you can tell, I am updating this as I go.  I've learned some things from some of my readings this week.  I read an article called On the Carpet.  It basically talks about being down where the kids are during instruction.  It is interesting to me to be on the kids' level.  For the past couple of classroom visits, instead of sitting in the back of the room, I am sitting at an empty desk or on the carpet with the kids.  I tried and participate as if I am one of the kids.  Often times, you the teacher will call on me to answer a question you have asked.  I appreciate this.  I like sharing things I think I know.  It is a really good learning experience to sit as a student in your classes.  You are all doing some amazing things.

To Be Aware Of
  • Intruder/Lockdown Drill on Wednesday September 23.  It will be at about 10:00.  For the first few drills, you will know when they are so you can train your kids.  Eventually, they will be unannounced to make them more real for us.
  • I need SLOs by the end of this week.  Remember you need to turn in two.  This is for all new teachers years 1-3, K-3 teachers, and anyone certified who works with K-3 kids. I'm including 4 links. The first is what you have seen before with an attached rubric.  The second is an example of the first with boxes filled out for you to see.  The third is a form for Phase 1 of the SLO where you can input quickly your SLOs that will be recorded to a spreadsheet for me.  This spreadsheet will make it easier for me to look at.  If you want access to that spreadsheet, let me know.  It might be good for you to look at other people's as examples.  The fourth is a spreadsheet for Phase 2 of the SLO where you can record baseline and goals/targets.
  • I need two teachers who are willing to upload a video of you teaching to Edivate.  It is part of the STEM Action Grant that allows us to have it for free.  Please let me know that you are willing and then we can set up a phone or ipad camera in the back of the room to record and then upload.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  I've only had a few share on this page.  Take a look.  It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.
  • The Monday Assemblies Zack and I will be doing are going to be every 4th Monday, or the last school Monday of the month starting in September.  We will call them Edivate Assemblies since you will be working on Edivate during those times.
  • Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Information about this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.

I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
9/21 Reading Incentive Kickoff assembly
9/21 SCC Training for SCC and Principal
9/24 1st grade field trip
9/24 Principal divisional collaboration 2-3
9/25 K12 Leadership Seminar 9-1
9/25 Fall DRA Data Entry in Skyward deadline.

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
9/27 Julie Cook
9/27 Teresa Menlove

Thanks for the birthday gifts, notes, cards, and goodies.  I much appreciate it all.
I need to celebrate all our aides and the wonderful jobs they are doing.  They are all new and we need to remember there is a learning curve.  They are doing great.  Make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them at every chance you can.

Great Video of the Week
Great STEM video via Edivate.  I know it is 1st grade, but think of how this could work for your grade as well.
Here's one for 6th grade too.

Great Read of the Week
Same article from above.

Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!