Monday, March 21, 2016

3/21/16 MMM

Hey All,

Probably the most important thing going on this week is the caucus meetings tomorrow.  No matter which party you affiliate with, please go to these caucuses and make your voice heard.  In the past, anti public ed people have spoken the loudest and have taken over these meetings.  We need to take over because we represent 90% of the children in Utah.  Please go.

Question of the Week

In the professional development discussion Padlet, the questions was asked what you do for personal PD.  Question for this week is, considering what you already do, what would you like to do differently, more of, or try as far as personal PD and how do you make the time for it? 

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week above.  Please respond.  We want to use it as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
  • What do you think of this?  An orthodontist will send a dollar to Grovecrest for every A on a report card that students will email to them.  They don't have to be a patient.  Should I send this out to parents?
  • There are still some who haven't finished their self evaluation.  I will send out emails to those I don't have.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of Chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • Remember, North parking lot duty is now out in the West parking lot to help traffic and kids moving to and from parked cars.  Please help those who park in the pull through to move on.  That is the biggest problem I've seen so far.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference.
  • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.  When talking to parents, encourage them to take part.  I've started a few new hashtags to go along with this.  They are #GrovecrestGrover and #GrovecrestFam.  Any one of the three is unique to us.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
3/22 BYU Intern interviews for Kyle and Zack 8-12.
3/22 Presidential Caucus Mtgs 6:00 pm.  GO!!!
3/23 CTL Mtg 8:15
3/23 Earthquake drill sometime today
3/23 2nd Grade Glow performance 5-7
3/24 K-12 Leadership Seminar/Divisional Collaboration for Kyle
3/27 Easter Sunday
3/28 Kindergarten Registration starts
3/30 PTA Mtg 12:00
4/1 April Fools Day.  Go home at 3:30. (No Joke)

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
3/23 Wendy Whatcott
3/27 Jeanne Krall

  • Thanks to all parents and PTA for Teacher Appreciation Week.  We were all spoiled it looked like.
  • Sarah did some cool STEM Engineering things in her class last week.  Think about STEM things you are doing in your class and let me know.  STEM instruction is something we should do often and celebrate often.
  • If you ever get the chance, you have to check out the ninjas in Jessica's class.  Very Stealthy!
I try to get around and see everyone as much as possible.  I know that I miss amazing things.  If you notice anyone on your team or on another team doing awesome things, please let me know.  Better yet, take a picture and put it out on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with #WeRGrizzlies!
    Check out our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Really awesome things going on.  Fantastic job everyone!!

    Challenge of the Week
    Same challenge.  Try one new thing for personal PD. Then comment below what you did and how it worked.  May I suggest getting on Twitter and finding something interesting and new?

    Great Video of the Week
    Some really great videos available on Edivate.  I've been watching a few every week and because of that, my name was pulled out of a drawing for a $100 gift card.  They do giveaways every week, but you have to watch videos to qualify.
    Here is a STEM one for 2-3rd grades on levers.

    Quote for the Week

    Have an Amazing week!

    Monday, March 14, 2016

    3/14/16 MMM

    Hey All,

    This is going to be short because I want to get it out to you this morning.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Two important things for today.
    1.  Today is national take a nap day.  Does that mean you can take a nap?  As long as your students or I don't catch you.  At least you can take a nap when you get home.
    2.  Today is also Pi Day.  Celebrate how you will.

    Question of the Week

    In the professional development discussion Padlet, the questions was asked what you do for personal PD.  Question for this week is, considering what you already do, what would you like to do differently, more of, or try as far as personal PD and how do you make the time for it? 

    Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
    To Be Aware Of
    • There is a question of the week above.  Please respond.  We want to use it as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
    • What do you think of this?  An orthodontist will send a dollar to Grovecrest for every A on a report card that students will email to them.  They don't have to be a patient.  Should I send this out to parents?
    • Don't forget Self evaluations on Observertab.  Many I can tell have started, but haven't submitted.  If you have questions about how to do that, please come talk to me.
    • Collaboration incentives/Summer Collaboration Grants are due TODAY.  Presentations are this afternoon.  Thanks for finding parents to come watch.
    • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of Chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
    • Just a reminder that the north parking lot is closed now.  Those on car duty there will move to the west side to help with traffic flow there.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference.
    • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.  When talking to parents, encourage them to take part.  I've started a few new hashtags to go along with this.  They are #GrovecrestGrover and #GrovecrestFam.  Any one of the three is unique to us.

    Cleaning Schedule
    Sept.  Office
    Oct. 6th Grade
    Nov.  5th Grade
    Dec.  3rd Grade
    Jan.  2nd Grade
    Feb. 1st Grade
    Mar. 4th Grade
    Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
    May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

    Lunch Schedule
    Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

    Save The Date
    3/14 Pi and National Nap Day
    3/14 Collaboration presentations in the library from 2:30-4.
    3/14-3/18 Teacher Appreciation week.  Please be gracious to those who are taking care of you.  Don't forget to say thanks!

    • Monday - Breakfast
    • Tuesday - Snacks
    • Wednesday - Boxed Lunch
    • Thursday - Snacks
    • Friday - Luncheon
    3/15 PTA Council Mtg 9:30 for Kyle
    3/16 Earthquake Drill. Weather permitting.  Evacuation locations have changed.  Zack or I will get that to you before the drill.
    3/16 Faculty Mtg - We will be split up.  RaeAnn will be with lower grades and 3-6 will be in the library getting SAGE training with Ryan.
    3/17 Principal Meeting 8-3 Kyle
    3/22 BYU Intern interviews for Kyle and Zack 8-12.
    3/22 Presidential Caucus Mtgs
    3/23 2nd Grade Glow performance 5-7
    3/12 K12 Leadership Seminar/Divisional Collaboration for Kyle

    *Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

    Happy Birthday
    3/13 Marie Foster
    3/18 Cheryl De St. Jeor
    3/23 Wendy Whatcott
    3/27 Jeanne Krall

    • Gotta continue thanking Steve for catching rodents.
    • Cheryl and the reading committee for putting on a great Battle Week week before last and the championship battles last week and the lower grade battles last week as well. (That was a big run on, but it was fun anyway)
    • Sarah did the cake earthquakes last week.  Way fun for the kids.  What a great engaging activity!
    • PTA and parents for putting on a great Teacher Appreciation week
    • Jana, Marcy, Coach, and the playground aides for doing everything possible to make recess better for the kids since we've moved.  PTA has been involved as well.
    • PGPD for an amazing training last Monday.  Get on Facebook and thank them if you can.
    I try to get around and see everyone as much as possible.  I know that I miss amazing things.  If you notice anyone on your team or on another team doing awesome things, please let me know.  Better yet, take a picture and put it out on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with #WeRGrizzlies!
      Check out our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Really awesome things going on.  Fantastic job everyone!!

      Challenge of the Week
      Try one new thing for personal PD. Then comment below what you did and how it worked.  May I suggest getting on Twitter and finding something interesting and new?

      Great Video of the Week
      Really good video on Edivate about Non Negotiables.
      I got a few quotables from this one.  Here is one I liked, "We aren't going to blame poverty, family.  We have to get it right in the classroom. Remove the barriers. Teachers have to rethink the way they deliver instruction."

      Funny of the Week

      Quote for the Week

      Refer to the great video of the week above.

      Have an Amazing week!