Monday, May 11, 2015

5/11/15 MMM

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.  I know it is a day late, but Happy Woman's Day to all of the women here who make a difference.  
Things are really starting to ramp up in preparation for the end of the year.  Please keep on your toes.  Keep  in mind the important dates including SAGE Testing and End of Year events for each grade level.  We don't want to step on any toes.  I hope everyone remembered DRA was supposed to be input into Skyward by last Friday.  Sometimes they leave Skyward open a little longer.  If you haven't input, get it done TODAY.  Hopefully it is still open.
I haven't heard anything more about our rebuild.  As I get information, I will pass it on to all of you.
There have been some great things happening at Grovecrest throughout the year.  Please share some great things that you have noticed in your class, on your team, and/or in general via this padlet.  I had this up last week, but since I didn't have the MMM out till later in the week, I'll leave it up and available to you.

Thank you to those who got your classes involved in the Hanging with Hoopes blog post via our school website.  It has been very interesting to see what kids are curious about.  I think this will help you see how Genius Hour could be a very beneficial thing to our students.  Here is a link to the student responses.

**To Be Aware of**
  • SAGE Testing will end next Thursday the 21st..  Please be quiet in the halls and those who are administering, remember ethics.  Take stuff off the walls or cover up.  We don't want to take any chances.
  • Don't forget this week's #Utedchat on Wednesday from 9-10.
  • Don't forget to attach #teamkid on all tweets going out.  Our school hashtag is #PawPower.
  • New book I will be reading to classes is Horton Hatches the Egg.  The topic of discussion is responsibility.  I haven't put in any new times, but if you want me to come in and read to your class, come and talk to me and we can schedule it.
  • I still have those book catalogs in my office that were used about a month ago by a vendor to help with our guided reading library.  You will need to decide on books you would like to order.  I would like to finalize by the end of this week.
  • The last day of school time for kids is 9:05-10:35.  Faculty Social will start after that.
Cleaning Schedule
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
11:31 Mac
11:32 McKell
11:33 Sharma
11:34 Hull
11:25 Higgins
11:26 West
11:27 Connell
11:28 Herman
11:56 Whipple
11:58 Nichols
12:00 Durrant
12:02 Schafer
12:03 Wilson
11:55 Crossley
11:57 CJohnson
11:59 Austin
12:01 Fiorucci
12:20 Oswald
12:22 Day
12:24 Green
12:26 MJohnson
12:21 Krall
12:23 Rooke
12:25 Paravato
12:27 Allen

Save the Date
5/11 - AAA Settlement Mtg @ AFJH 3:30 - Kyle
5/13 - Faculty Mtg
5/13 - UVU Advisory Council Mtg - Kyle 12-1:30
5/13 - School Community Council final mtg. 4-5
5/14 - Principal's Mtg - Kyle 12-2
5/14 - PI Grant Presentations - Kyle
5/15 - Administrative Conference Committee Mtg. Kyle 9-11

5/15 - Kindergarten End of Year Celebration
5/18 - Mystery Solve Combined assembly in the morning and celebration at 2:00 in the Library.
5/19 - Final Intern Party - Zack
5/19 - 3rd grade talent show 1:15
5/19 - STARS Reading parent meeting @ Manilla Elementary 3:30
5/20 - CTL Mtg 8:15
5/20 - 3rd grade water day
5/21 - 4th grade rendezvous
5/21 - 5th grade talent show and water day
5/22 - 3rd grade field trip to Discovery Park
5/22 - 6th grade graduation.
5/22 - 1st grade to discovery park
5/22 - 2nd grade game day in cafeteria

SAGE TESTING until the 21st.
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
  • No Birthdays this week
Celebrations/Things I Noticed
  • Thanks to BetteJo for all her involvement in AEA negotiations.
  • Science day in Tambee's class was amazing!  Check out the tweets.  Lisa Schafer also had a science day last week.  Way cool!!
Great Video clip of the Week
Great Video on how to get Genius Hour started.  Comments welcome.

Great Read of the Week
Great read about goal setting.  Again, Comments are welcome.

Have a Great Week!  #TeamKid #PawPower!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/3/15 MMM

Sorry this is coming out to you so late.  So much going on.
I haven't heard anything more about our rebuild.  As I get information, I will pass it on to all of you.
We are already in the month of May!! It's crazy how fast the year has gone by.  There have been some great things happening at Grovecrest throughout the year.  Please share some great things that you have noticed in your class, on your team, and/or in general via this padlet.

**To Be Aware of**
  • SAGE Testing will be going on for the next several weeks.  Please be quiet in the halls and those who are administering, remember ethics.  Take stuff off the walls or cover up.  We don't want to take any chances.
  • Don't forget to attach #teamkid on all tweets going out.  Our school hashtag is #PawPower.
  • New book I will be reading to classes is Horton Hatches the Egg.  The topic of discussion is responsibility.  I haven't put in any new times, but if you want me to come in and read to your class, come and talk to me and we can schedule it.
  • I still have those book catalogs in my office that were used about a month ago by a vendor to help with our guided reading library.  You will need to decide on books you would like to order.  I would like to finalize by the end of this week.
  • The last day of school time for kids is 9:05-10:35.  Faculty Social will start after that.
Cleaning Schedule
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 McKell
11:32 Sharma
11:33 Hull
11:34 Mac
11:35 West
11:36 Connell
11:37 Herman
11:38 Higgins
11:56 Durrant
11:58 Schafer
12:00 Wilson
12:02 Whipple
12:03 Nichols
11:55 CJohnson
11:57 Austin
11:59 Fiorucci
12:01 Crossley
12:20 Day
12:22 Green
12:24 MJohnson
12:26 Oswald
12:21 Rooke
12:23 Paravato
12:25 Allen
12:27 Krall

Save the Date

5/4 - Netsmart assembly.  Will take the place of our regular Monday Morning Assemblies.
5/4 - Kindergarten Literacy Assessment and Skyward Entry window opens
5/6 - CTL Mtg with BYU 8:15
5/6 - SCC Chair Mtg.  10:00 - Kyle
5/7 - TAT Meeting. 8:15-8:45
5/8 - Spring DRA Entry window closes
5/10 - Happy Mothers Day!!
5/13 - School Community Council final mtg. 4-5
5/14 - Principal's Mtg - Kyle 12-2
5/14 - PI Grant Presentations - Good Luck Ryan, Sarah, and Mary
5/15 - Administrative Conference Committee Mtg. Kyle 9-11
SAGE TESTING for the next several weeks

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
  • 5/7 Pam Allen
  • 5/7 Jennifer Amador
  • 5/8 Logan Ash
Celebrations/Things I Noticed
  • Congrats to Ryan, Sarah, and Mary for receiving the PI Grant.  They will be nearly 1:1 because of it.  The are presenting to the District next week.  Good Luck!
  • Thanks to the 3rd grade team for accepting being apart of a district cohort on Genius Hour.
  • Absolutely a highlight of my day to come read to your classes.  You have some amazing kids.

Great Video clip of the Week
No Video this week.  You have plenty going on.

Great Read of the Week
No Read.  You have plenty to do.

Have a Great Week!  #TeamKid #PawPower!!