Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/14 MMM

Great job everyone for the job you all did during Parent Teacher Conferences.  It looked like to me that the number of parents that showed up was very high.  Will you please email me and let me know what your numbers were?  I'm interested in knowing.  Also remember to contact those parents that didn't show up so we can let them know how their kids have done to this point.  Can you also share suggestions on what we could do as a school to make PTCs better for you and the parents?  Please post your suggestions as comments to this blog.
I noticed that not everyone shared their 30 second elevator speech about Grovecrest and the district.  Please do so.  I want us all to be ready if ever the chance happens that we are asked about it.  When I was asked, I was caught a little off guard and I don't want to be that way anymore.
I also was able to complete the 4th day teaching reflection 30 day challenge.  It was a hard question to answer because it is hard to narrow what I love about teaching down to one thing.  Truthfully, I wasn't able to, but it was good to reflect on the question.  Here is a link to it if you wanted to read my ramblings.
To Be Aware of
  • I just received information on the evaluation schedule for each of you.  I will be letting you know which evaluation you will be doing this year very soon.  Also, since there is a new evaluation system, I have created a new blog devoted to training on each of the standards.  I will update it every month to match the schedule of each standard I will be evaluating you on.  I hope it will be helpful to you.  On top of that, I will be holding a non-required training each month on these standards.  Since last week didn't work out because of PTCs, the first training will be held before and after school on Tuesday this week.  I want to make sure you are all aware of what you will be evaluated on and how it will be done.  I feel like the blog and these training sessions will help with that.  I will also have a sign up for those who will be observed.  I will be looking at standards 3 and 4 this month specifically.
  • I'm leaving this up here for those who still haven't signed up for @remind. Please sign up for both your grade level and faculty.  If you have misplaced the instruction sheets, let me know.  Here is the phone number and code for the faculty reminder:  

  • Tuesdays are my #NoOfficeDays.  I will make every effort to stay out of my office so I can spend some good time out in your classrooms and with the kids.  This Tuesday will be crazy with the DRA training with District Curriculum, so I'm not sure how that will work.  Maybe Wednesday.
  • Curriculum will be here Tuesday to do Inter-rater reliability with lower grades from 8:30-11:30 and upper grades from 12:30-3:30.  Make sure you have signed up for a sub for a half day.  If you are able to share with someone from the opposite grade, that would be great.  Either way, the district is paying for it.  The reason you will need to indicate for this sub is professional meeting.  Training will take place in Denice's old room.  It is the room across the hall from Heather Connell's room.  By the way, I'm very sorry the word of this didn't go out sooner than it did.  I assumed it had happened, but because of the surprise from many of you, I see that I dropped the ball.  I apologize.  I will not blindside you all like this again.
  • Also, my supervisor will be here Tuesday morning.  I'm sure we will be visiting classrooms and what is going on with the district training.
  • For your hard work during parent teacher conferences, please go home as soon as the kids leave Tuesday and Wednesday unless you are staying for Evaluation training with me.  You all deserve it.
  • Don't forget that we get Thursday and Friday off this week.  Please, take those days off.  Enjoy the time with friends and family.  PD day will be on Monday starting at 8:15.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 Sharma
11:32 Hull
11:33 Mac
11:34 McKell
11:25 Connell
11:26 Herman
11:27 Higgins
11:28 West
11:56 Schafer
11:58 Wilson
12:00 Whipple
12:02 Nichols
12:03 Wright
11:55 Austin
11:57 Fiorucci
11:59 Crossley
12:01 CJohnson
12:20 Green
12:22 MJohnson
12:24 Oswald
12:26 Day
12:21 Paravato
12:23 Allen
12:25 Krall
12:27 Rooke

Save the Date
10/13 - Columbus Day
10/13 - Administrator's SAGE results training - Kyle
10/14 - DRA Inter-rater reliability w/ District Curriculum
10/14 - Jeanne Bates Visit
10/14 - BYU TSA Mtg Zack
10/14 - Ballroom Teacher Training 6-9 pm.
10/15 - CTL Mtg 8:15
10/15 - Last day for fundraiser
10/15 - SCC Mtg
10/16-17 - Fall Break
10/20 - PD Day 8:15 in the Cafateria.  Bring your chairs.
10/21-24 - Red Ribbon Week
10/21 - Student Council Conference at BYU
10/21 - Outrage Assembly to kick off Red Ribbon Week. 9:15 for lower grades, 9:45 for upper grades
10/21 - BYU Principal's Mtg - Kyle
10/23 - Elementary Principal's Institute - Kyle
10/24 - Fiber Optic Friday in the Computer Lab.  QR codes for upper and lower grades will be the topic.

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
10/16 - Lori Whipple
10/18 - Justin White

  • Congratulations to Rashel and Lisa S. for almost scaring the life out of Wendi.  You will have to ask them about it.
  • Congratulations to Zack for not being scared by Rashel and Lisa S.  
  • Way to go Cheryl for putting together another great Book Fair.  She brought in a good amount to support the library.
  • A big hand on the back to those teachers that handled some hard parent situations during PTCs.  I know about a few and I'm sure their were others.  You all handled things wonderfully.
Great Video clip of the Week
This will make you think a little about where we are as a school with our instruction.

Challenge of the Week
Don't forget the 30 Second Elevator speech for Grovecrest and the District to accompany the card I gave you last Thursday.

Great Read of the Week
It pays to have high expectations for your students.
Have a Great Week!

1 comment:

  1. Kyle's presentation at the PD made me want to work harder at looking for the positives in my students and in my colleagues.
