Tuesday, December 1, 2015

MMM 11/30/15

Hey All,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving break.  I hope you holiday time was satisfactory.  The week before the break, a group of us made a trip to SLC to go to the PLC Institute.  
It was a great week of learning for all who attended. I wish we had the money to take more people at a time because it is such an amazing learning experience. We had some fantastic conversations and we know there are things we can do better at our school to make us even better.  Some of the things I learned from the conference are as follows.
1. Collaboration time is sacred time. Especially if used right. We want to make sure that we don't schedule anything that would take away from this on Mondays.  In my district, it is still contract time. We should be present and participating in order to make our teams more effective.
2. If it is to be, it is up to me. We can't wait for good things to happen. Many times, we will need to take a leap in order to be better educators. We can't be afraid of failure because failure is when we learn new things. We do some tweaking and we try again. If we believe it will make a difference for children, we will do what is necessary to make it work.
3. Norms are an essential part of any meeting, especially Collaboration. Norms should be revisited every time we meet. If someone is not living up to those norms, we can't be afraid to let them know. If we are not living up to a norm, then we can't get offended when someone reminds us to follow the norms. After all, it is all for the kids.
4. All decisions need to be backed by data and evaluation of what is best for kids. We don't make decisions based on what "I like" or "I think". We need to be data driven.
5. Collaboration is about creating a product; something that will help our kids learn better. This should be a norm each collaboration meeting.
6. If we are about pushing our students to do hard things, then we can't be afraid to push ourselves to do hard things. Lead and teach by example. Share the hard things you are learning. Help the kids see through your hard work that accomplishing hard things is worth it. The struggle is worth it.
7.  Our school/your school needs to have a set of agreed commitments, essential values that every decision is based upon.  These commitments are based on what is best for kids and backed by research and data.  When there is a decision to be made by school or team, we look back at our essential values that everyone agreed upon and contributed to.  Then we have a solution.  "What if our decision doesn't work?" you might ask.  Failure is part of learning.  Do we want to teach our kids that if you fail, quit, or carry on with a different solution?  At least what we are trying to do is what we know to be best for kids, failures included.
In discussing these things with the team that 

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week below.  Please respond.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • The board meeting went wonderfully.  Thanks to all who participated
  • How is edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  Our faculty mtg on the 16th will be a Passion Project faculty mtg.  We will report on where we are in the process of our projects.
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.
  • Those on an evaluation schedule including the the "B" schedule, come talk to me or refer to the calendar to schedule a time to be observed if you haven't been observed the 1st round already.
  • We will be having our 2nd Evaluation training meeting next Wednesday after school and Thursday before school.  We will be discussing standards 5 and 6.

  • Due to the learning that happened at the PLC Institute, we will be having a special joint collaboration day on Monday the 14th in the library.  Please put this on your calendars and make sure you are there for the whole time.  There is the potential for some great dialogue about what is going great at Grovecrest and what we need to improve on.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
12/1-12/4 BOGO Book Fair.  Make sure to fill out your wish lists
12/1 District Social Media and Pie meeting for Kyle 1 pm.
12/2 Mtg with Caye from Edivate for Zack and Kyle 9 am
12/3 Choir Performance at PGJH 7 pm
12/7 Choir Christmas Assembly
12/7 Alio/Skyward training Sheila 1 pm
12/8 BYU PC meeting for Zack 12:30 pm
12/8 Glow Performance 6:30 pm
12/9 1st Grade Christmas Sing 6 pm.
12/11 Principal Meeting for Kyle 12-2

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
11/29 Sarah Day
11/29 Sheri Wilson
12/2 Kyle Folsom
12/3 Zack Nelson
12/3 Jalayne Engberg
12/5 Lisa Robinson

Watched a fantastic lesson in Meredith's class.  In one lesson, Zack and I counted 12 different ways she assessed her students.  That is amazing! It is fun to watch you all teach amazing lessons.  
Coach Folsom taught a very fun lessons using hula hoops.  He had the kids making hula huts.  Really cool.
Great Video of the Week
Remember to take time to watch edivate videos each week.  Here is one that is amazing. 

Question for the Week
What do all of you think about homework?  Why?  Purpose?  Policy?  What are your thoughts?  Respond via the comments below.

Have an Amazing week!


  1. Homework should beflexible to work with a family’s busy schedule,as well as not requiring students to work over extended breaks.
    Homework encourages student accountability and responsibility.
    Reading: 20 min. Plus once a week fluency. Math : usually 10-15 problems a night .Monday - Thurs.

  2. I think homework should be a review of learned knowledge or a practice of needed skills (reading).
    Homework should be user friendly with set expectations.
    Homework should not take up a student's evening.
    The more flexible the better. This allows for unexpected happenings with families.
    And homework should not be a surprise. Parents should be well informed on what is expected and when it is expected.

  3. Homework is practice. Also, it should be a small part of their grade. They should have received a grade on this content when they learned it in class and then this is a small portion to help them remember what they learned and help teach them some responsibility (take it home, do it, bring it back).

  4. Lately I feel like more and more parents complain about the hours of homework their children are being asked to do- not at our school, but everyone I know. I think homework should be a quick practice of what is being taught in class. The amount of homework depends on the grade level, but I don't think it should ever take more than an hour plus reading, even for upper grades. Kindergarten homework takes 5-10 minutes, and then 20 minutes of reading. They have nightly assignments, but we give them a week to do it, so that they can do it when they have the most time.
