Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9/26/2016 MMM (Monday Morning Memo)

Hi all,
I was so glad to be in the building most of the week last week.  Thank you to the few people who responded to the questions from last week on this Padlet.  You are still welcome to respond.  The Padlet is a chance for everyone to self reflect, share, and get ideas from each other.  I realize there are some things we can't control like testing.  What are some things we can control within our classrooms that will make a difference?

To Be Aware Of
  • Here is a link to your duty schedule.  Again, Please be seen! Especially those who are on parking lot/car duty.  You may need to step in the way to make sure cars take turns.  If you have questions, please talk to me about how I do it.
  • Dr. Shumway is not available for our PD day in October.  CTLs and I will have something prepared to make this PD memorable and applicable.
  • John is finally ready with the new laptops.  He will be handing them out to you.  He will have instructions on what you need to do to transfer data to the new machine.  Please pay attention so you do it right when he comes to you.
  • Reflections assembly will be whole school Thursday Morning.  It will begin at 9:10 and I've been told it will last 10 minutes.  That will make it possible for everyone to get back to class and specialties to start at 9:30.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.
Also, here is the Macrobowl menu for this week.  Make sure you call/text Andrea the night before to get your meal.
Hi wonderful teachers of Grovecrest!!!
this is the menu for next week: Next week will be MONDAY - THURSDAY! Please look up the MacrBowl on FB for visuals :-)

Corn, aspargus, purple potato, peach, red pears and brown rice

Fried Roesti Potatos, salad with carrots , strawberries and peppers

Rainbow quinoa, tomatos, dried plums, oranges, snappeas, guac, banana

Spagetti squash, lettuce, peppers, dried apricots, avocado, tomato

Text me the NIGHT BEFORE to place your order 801 473 5397. I am looking forward cooking and creating beautiful meals for you!!!!!!

Save The Date
9/26 Edivate Assembly/Reflections Kickoff - This will be a longer assembly
9/27 DIBELS Fall Testing
9/28 PTA mtg 12-1
9/28 DIBELS Training for Zack
9/29 Reflections Assembly  Whole school
9/30 Zack Coaches Mtg
10/3 Reading Mystery Kickoff
10/4 Zack Facilitator Mtg
10/5 SCC mtg 11:45
10/5 Divisional Principal's PLC
10/6-7 For the Love of Reading Conference
10/7 Zack Coaches Mtg

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
9/27 Teresa Menlove
9/29 Nicole Sallenback

We have to celebrate Michelle and Sheila in the front office.  They do such an amazing job.  This school would not function without them.  Make sure to say thanks to them.

Great Video of the Week
Little things mean a lot.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19/2016 MMM

Hi all,
I was out of the building three days last week.  I am looking forward to this week being with all of you.  I did learn some great things and our CTLs were able to pick up on some data diving skills.  I hope that day was helpful in some way.  At a different meeting, I was in a conversation that really got me reflecting on what we do at Grovecrest to provide a world class education to our kids.  Let me ask you two questions that I hope EVERYONE will be able to respond to.  Please respond via this Padlet.  Here are the two questions.

  1. What specific things do you do to provide a world class education to our students?
  2. What things do we do that stand in our way from providing a world class education?
Please reflect and respond to the Padlet.

To Be Aware Of
  • Here is a link to your duty schedule.  Again, Please be seen! Especially those who are on parking lot/car duty.  You may need to step in the way to make sure cars take turns.  If you have questions, please talk to me about how I do it.
  • I've received a little feedback from people about their preference for October PD.  From what I gather, people would like to have Dr. Shumway back.  If this is the case, I will contact him this week to see if he is available.  One thing, if we invite him, it will be a continuous PD with him.  I don't want it to be a one and done thing.  Please give me your feedback.  Come talk to me, email, call, text.  Anyway you can, I really want to make this PD worth your time.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.
Also, here is the Macrobowl menu for this week.  Make sure you call/text Andrea the night before to get your meal.
Hi Teachers!!!
This is the approx. menu plan for next week. Please also check on www.themacrobowl.com for a visuals, how the lunches kind of look like and find me on FB  The MacroBowl. THANK YOU

Monday Sept 19
Polenta, oranges, tomatoes, green beans sautéed in garlic and purple onions

Tuesday Sept 20
Corn, fried Zucchini, greens with shredded carrots and grapes

Wednesday Sept 21
Baby potatoes, oranges and grapefruit, broccoli, peppers

Thursday Sept 22
I cater the 1st grade FIELDTRIP. Only lunches for 1st grade teachers and volunteers!

Friday Sept 23
Quinoa Bowl with tons of goodness, greens and corn.

Please check out my website for pictures. Its hard to imagine what I am cooking when just seeing some of the ingredients :-)
Everything is prepared with knowledge, creativity and LOVE.

Please text me THE NIGHT BEFORE for your order: 801 473 5397

Save The Date
9/19 School Carnival 4:30-7:30
9/20-21 ICA Meeting for Zack
9/20 Free Flu Shots in Faculty Room
9/20 Lockdown Drill 10:00
9/21 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/21 Vision Screening
9/21 Webmaster Training for Kyle
9/22 Hero Breakfast 9-9:30
9/22 K12 Seminar - Kyle
9/23 Picture Day
9/23 Zack District Coaches Mtg
9/23 School Messenger meeting for Sheila
9/23 UVU Engaged Reading Forum Planning Mtg - Kyle
9/26 Edivate Assembly/Reflections Kickoff - This will be a longer assembly
9/27 DIBELS Fall Testing
9/28 Water Conservation w/ 4th grade Assembly 9:30
9/28 PTA mtg 12-1
9/29 Principal Divisional PLC 2-3

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
No Birthdays this week

Thanks to Ryan for getting the SAGE Interim test going this week.
I have to celebrate our two kindergarten teachers.  I covered one of their classes one afternoon last week.  That was hard!  Jessica and Madison are amazing!

Great Video of the Week
This video is directed to girls, but I wonder how often we hole any of our students back by what we say to them.  ALWAYS encourage!

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, September 12, 2016

9/12/2016 MMM

Hi all,
The year has worked out great so far.  I haven't been in classes as much as I wanted, but I will get going with that more this week.  I only had one response about the alternative to keeping kids in for recess as a punishment.  I have another article for you to look at as a thought.  I would like more feedback than just one. Here is the link.  You will need to download the article to read it.
Also, with the rivalry game finished, please pay attention to students using this game as an excuse to bully.  Some kids don't realize it is bullying and need to be reminded that the rivalry is friendly.

To Be Aware Of
Here is a link to your duty schedule.  Again, Please be seen!
Faculty Mtg in September is this Tuesday the 13th.  We will have a presentation by Vicki Carter about the new bond.
I've said our October PD will be an Edcamp.  I'm still willing to do it, but would you rather have more training with Dr. Shumway from BYU on STEM?  Please give me your feedback.
Safety week this week.  Please refer to the schedule from PTA.  We will have two emergency drills this week to go along with them.  One is on Tuesday and the other will be Friday.  It is on the calendar in the office.  The Tuesday one will be in the morning.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.

Save The Date
9/12 Kyle and Zack meet with Foss Rep 11.
9/12 Sam's Club in Faculty Room at lunch
9/13 Faculty Mtg 8:15 in Library
9/13 Interagency Mtg 9:30 
9/13 Zack BYU Mtg
9/14 Data Dive Training for CTLs
9/14 Room Mother's Tea 3:45
9/15 Divisional Principal Mtg 8:30-12:30
9/15 Kinder to visit Meadow Kinder 12:00
9/16 Zack District Coaches Mtg
9/19 School Carnival
9/21 Vision Screening
9/21 Webmaster Training for Zack and Kyle
9/22 Hero Breakfast 9-9:30
9/22 K12 Seminar - Kyle
9/23 Picture Day
9/23 Zack District Coaches Mtg
9/23 School Messenger meeting for Sheila
9/23 UVU Engaged Reading Forum Planning Mtg - Kyle

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
9/17 Kyle Hoopes

Many did 9/11 recognition on Friday.  Thanks for doing that.  We can't forget what happened on that day.
Thanks to Zack for helping with the Bully Reading last week.  If you didn't get a chance to have him read to your class, you should.  He is a great storyteller.

Great Video of the Week
Who would have thought Justin Timberlake would have had a hard time in school.  Pretty talented guy.

Have an Amazing week!

Friday, September 2, 2016

9/5/2016 MMM

Hey folks,
Hey all.  Great 2nd week of school.  I've talked with a few and I know we will start seeing more behavior problems.  Please stick with the plan we created during our 1st faculty mtg.  Here is a link in case you need a reference.  Also, please think of alternative consequences to missing recess.  Kids need to get their wiggles out and recess is the way.  Here is an article that may help you understand why we need to do this.  I am open to any feedback.

To Be Aware Of
Here is a link to your duty schedule.  Don't forget to get to where you need to go and Please be seen!  Some parents think no one is out there because they don't see you.
Faculty Mtg in September is on the Tuesday the 13th.  We will have a presentation by Vicki Carter about the new bond.
Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format again.  Information in this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.

Save The Date
9/5 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/6 Reading Committee Mtg 8:20
9/7 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/7-9/9 Oliver Button Readings (Refer to Zack's Email)
9/8 ESP Mtg 1pm - Kyle
9/8 Construction Mtg 1:30
9/7 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/7 Zack DIBELS Mtg 10:00
9/8 Construction Mtg - Zack & Kyle
9/8-9/9 1st grade Karate Respect Demonstration
9/9 Zack Coaches mtg 8-11

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
No Birthdays this week.

BIG shout out to the SPED team who came together this week to help Alyssa in her class.  It has been a struggle to find her a full time aid, but we have one finally starting on Tuesday when we get back from the long weekend.  Thanks to everyone else who helped there including Michelle Allen, Zack, and anybody else I forgot.
I watched 2nd grade to an activity in math to help the kids learn for themselves how counting by 5s and 10s is easier.

Great Video of the Week
This guy is pretty excited about reading and he may annoy some of you.  However, his message is one we need to listen to.  Pay particular attention to what he says from about 3:00 to 3:50.  Pretty powerful!

Have an Amazing week!

9/5/2016 MMM

Hey folks,
Hey all.  Great 2nd week of school.  I've talked with a few and I know we will start seeing more behavior problems.  Please stick with the plan we created during our 1st faculty mtg.  Here is a link in case you need a reference.  Also, please think of alternative consequences to missing recess.  Kids need to get their wiggles out and recess is the way.  Here is an article that may help you understand why we need to do this.  I am open to any feedback.

To Be Aware Of
Here is a link to your duty schedule.  Don't forget to get to where you need to go and Please be seen!  Some parents think no one is out there because they don't see you.
Faculty Mtg in September is on the Tuesday the 13th.  We will have a presentation by Vicki Carter about the new bond.
Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format again.  Information in this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.

Save The Date
9/5 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/6 Reading Committee Mtg 8:20
9/7 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/7-9/9 Oliver Button Readings (Refer to Zack's Email)
9/8 ESP Mtg 1pm - Kyle
9/8 Construction Mtg 1:30
9/7 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/7 Zack DIBELS Mtg 10:00
9/8 Construction Mtg - Zack & Kyle
9/8-9/9 1st grade Karate Respect Demonstration
9/9 Zack Coaches mtg 8-11

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
No Birthdays this week.

BIG shout out to the SPED team who came together this week to help Alyssa in her class.  It has been a struggle to find her a full time aid, but we have one finally starting on Tuesday when we get back from the long weekend.  Thanks to everyone else who helped there including Michelle Allen, Zack, and anybody else I forgot.
I watched 2nd grade to an activity in math to help the kids learn for themselves how counting by 5s and 10s is easier.

Great Video of the Week
This guy is pretty excited about reading and he may annoy some of you.  However, his message is one we need to listen to.  Pay particular attention to what he says from about 3:00 to 3:50.  Pretty powerful!

Have an Amazing week!