I was so glad to be in the building most of the week last week. Thank you to the few people who responded to the questions from last week on this Padlet. You are still welcome to respond. The Padlet is a chance for everyone to self reflect, share, and get ideas from each other. I realize there are some things we can't control like testing. What are some things we can control within our classrooms that will make a difference?
To Be Aware Of
- Here is a link to your duty schedule. Again, Please be seen! Especially those who are on parking lot/car duty. You may need to step in the way to make sure cars take turns. If you have questions, please talk to me about how I do it.
- Dr. Shumway is not available for our PD day in October. CTLs and I will have something prepared to make this PD memorable and applicable.
- John is finally ready with the new laptops. He will be handing them out to you. He will have instructions on what you need to do to transfer data to the new machine. Please pay attention so you do it right when he comes to you.
- Reflections assembly will be whole school Thursday Morning. It will begin at 9:10 and I've been told it will last 10 minutes. That will make it possible for everyone to get back to class and specialties to start at 9:30.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept. Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov. 5th Grade
Dec. 3rd Grade
Jan. 2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.
Also, here is the Macrobowl menu for this week. Make sure you call/text Andrea the night before to get your meal.
Hi wonderful teachers of Grovecrest!!!
this is the menu for next week: Next week will be MONDAY - THURSDAY! Please look up the MacrBowl on FB for visuals :-)
Corn, aspargus, purple potato, peach, red pears and brown rice
Fried Roesti Potatos, salad with carrots , strawberries and peppers
Rainbow quinoa, tomatos, dried plums, oranges, snappeas, guac, banana
Spagetti squash, lettuce, peppers, dried apricots, avocado, tomato
Text me the NIGHT BEFORE to place your order 801 473 5397. I am looking forward cooking and creating beautiful meals for you!!!!!!
Save The Date
9/26 Edivate Assembly/Reflections Kickoff - This will be a longer assembly
9/27 DIBELS Fall Testing
9/28 PTA mtg 12-1
9/28 DIBELS Training for Zack
9/29 Reflections Assembly Whole school
9/30 Zack Coaches Mtg
10/3 Reading Mystery Kickoff
10/4 Zack Facilitator Mtg
10/5 SCC mtg 11:45
10/5 Divisional Principal's PLC
10/6-7 For the Love of Reading Conference
10/7 Zack Coaches Mtg
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
9/27 Teresa Menlove
9/29 Nicole Sallenback
We have to celebrate Michelle and Sheila in the front office. They do such an amazing job. This school would not function without them. Make sure to say thanks to them.
Great Video of the Week
Little things mean a lot.
Have an Amazing week!