Great job during the first week of school. It was a hard week because we are use to starting the year on a Wednesday with kids. You all did wonderfully.
To Be Aware Of
Our first fire drill will be this Wednesday. I will do it around 1:30. Please prepare your kids for this and look at the evacuation map Zack updated last week.
Back to School night is this Wednesday from 5-7. Here is a link to the schedule.
Here is a link to your duty schedule. Don't forget to get to where you need to go.
The Monday Assemblies Zack and I will be doing are going to be every 4th Monday, or the last school Monday of the month starting in September. We will call them Edivate Assemblies since you will be working on Edivate during those times. I will explain what this will look like in our first faculty mtg in September.
Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format again. Information in this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.
Zack and I will be scheduling Oliver Button readings next week. Monthly Kyle reads will be scheduled each month as well.
I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept. Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov. 5th Grade
Dec. 3rd Grade
Jan. 2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Click on the link for the lunch schedule.
Please be on time for lunch and stay with your kids until they have made it past Denise.
Save The Date
8/30 Hearing Screening
8/31 Back to School Night 5-7
9/1 New Bond Community Mtg 10am - Kyle
9/1 Construction Mtg 1:30 - Kyle & Zack
9/2 District Coaches Mtg 8am - Zack
9/5 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/7 CTL Mtg 8:15
9/8 ESP Mtg 1pm - Kyle
9/8 Construction Mtg 1:30
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
Month of August Birthdays
Christi Banks
Sandra Priddis
Connie Beck
Marcy McLendon
Wendi Austin
Andrea Hemenway
Rashel Fiorucci
Sheila Chipman
No Birthdays this week
We all survived the first week. It was actually a great week. Good job everybody!
I loved Tambee's Play Dough activity the first day of school. Ask her about it. May the Force be with You!!
Great Video of the Week
Listen up Babies!!
Have an Amazing week!