Tuesday, January 19, 2016

TMM 1/19/16

Hey All,

Working on my one word goal, I think I provided a pretty good experience for our student council this last Friday.  All that were available were able to participate in a Twitter chat with many students from around the country.  I then had three come back and report on it in our weekly radio show (Most of you probably don't know I do that.).  It is our 5ht episode.  Here is the link to the show.  By the way, have any of you thought of doing something like this in your class?  It is easy and fun to do.  The kids love it!  I've had a 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders as guests on the show.  I've been doing it since the beginning of December.  I plan on doing more with student council in the weeks to come and hopefully, some of the things we plan with have a positive affect on the rest of the kids.

Thanks to those for responding to the questions of the week, specifically this last one.  It helps me to know how we are doing at Grovecrest and how I can be of assistance to you.  Please let me know if you would like me to come and do a lesson with your kids, any subject.  Just give me a heads up and you are welcome to take that time for a little R&R.  Please let me know of any other way I can be more supportive to you.  Also, if you would like, please look back to the past questions of the week and respond if you haven't.  Even respond to others who have commented.  If you don't know how to respond, please ask me.

Question of the Week

When you think about the phrase, "Kids Deserve It," what comes to your mind?  What part do you play in this?

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • Please remind your students that the playground access at the corner of 1100 N. and 300 E. will be fenced off as a part of the pre construction phase.  They will not have that available anymore.  They will need to take the sidewalk or the paved road on 300 east.
  • There is a question of the week above.  Please respond.  We want to use it as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
  • The Network will be down on the 21st at least during the morning for the new network split.  This means phones and anything (chromebooks, ipads, computers, etc) relying on the network will be unavailable during that morning.  John will let me know and the office will let you know when it is back up.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • How is Edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?  Please let me know.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.  This is REQUIRED and shouldn't take you too long.
  • Please look at the calendar for openings for the 2nd round of evaluations.  I'll be focusing on standards 5 and 6.  Schedule "B" people, you need to schedule times as well and let me know what indicators you want me to observe you on.
  • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  www.facebook.com/grovecgrizzlies.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.  When talking to parents, encourage them to take part.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
1/19 Council PTA Mtg here at Grovecrest in Media Center 9:30 a.m.
1/21 Planned Network outage for upgrade.  Network not available at least till noon.
1/21 Elementary Principals' Mtg 9-12 for Kyle
1/21-22 Principals' STEM Academy for Kyle.
1/25 Principal for the Day with Zoey Kopp
1/25 Story Telling Assembly takes the place of Monday assembly
1/25 Training with Storyteller in Library for collaboration
1/26 District DIBELS Testing window
1/26 Skyward Training for Sheila 11:30
1/27 CTL Mtg 8:15 in Faculty Room - PD Planning
1/27 Student Council service project 2-3.
1/27 PTA Mtg 12-1
1/28 Divisional Principal's Mtg 2 pm

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
1/21 Angie Lowe

  • Lisa Schafer's Genius Hour was Tweeted out by one of our curriculum directors.  Awesome!
  • If you get a chance, you should peek into choir practice in the morning and watch Janna with the choir.  They are having a good time.
  • Love the mystery song in music.
  • Thanks to all who helped move music into their new room.  
Check out our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Really awesome things going on.  Fantastic job everyone!!

Great Video of the Week
This was shared via the STEM group in Edivate.  I know we may feel like we aren't able to do certain things, but let's look at what we can do and what we might be able to do, but we stop ourselves because we are afraid to ask or try.  Do we teach like this?  What experiences are we creating for our students so they look back at their experiences here and have a real appreciation?  You never know until you try.

Funny of the Week
I'm from Wyoming, but you could substitute Utah in for this.  I think people in Wisconsin and Minnesota would think we are wimps.

Quote for the Week

From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, January 11, 2016

MMM 1/11/16

Hey All,

Coming off the long break, this last weekend didn't seem to do much, but here we are and I hope we are all ready to welcome the kids back to another great week of learning experiences.  I'm excited this week because I hope to have a fun learning experience with kids and you each day this week.  It is my one word so I better be working on it.

Thank you for using our new hashtag.  I've wanted the community to be more involved in helping to tell the Grovecrest story, but I have yet to see much there other than when Belle Cahoon did the food drive.  Her mom posted on our Facebook page.  If you don't know, the hashtag is #WeRGrizzlies.  Continue to use #PawPower and #teamkid whenever you can, but make sure from now on, you use #WeRGrizzlies.

Thanks to those who shared your one word for 2016.  If you haven't, please share.  It has been really good for me to see the reasoning behind the one word pledges of those who have shared so far.  We have words like, Connections, Intent, Love, and Smile.  I know there are more out there.  I know also many of you have had activities with your students with creating goals and resolutions for the new year.  Have you considered incorporating the #OneWord2016 challenge with your students?  Think about it if you haven't and have them share with the rest of the staff via this blog in comments, or in some other way.

Question of the Week

I've been contemplating this question of the week for a while because I can see how it could be a bit controversial in some circles.  I'm going to ask it anyway because I see it being a very reflective question and a way for me to gage how I can be of better service to you.  Here it goes.  Do you feel that the core, traditions, or school culture holds you back from doing things with your class you know are good for their learning?  Please respond via comments and share why.  Thanks

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week above.  Please respond.  We want to use it as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • How is Edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?  Please let me know.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.  This is REQUIRED and shouldn't take you too long.
  • Please look at the calendar for openings for the 2nd round of evaluations.  I'll be focusing on standards 5 and 6.  Schedule "B" people, you need to schedule times as well and let me know what indicators you want me to observe you on.
  • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  www.facebook.com/grovecgrizzlies.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.  When talking to parents, encourage them to take part.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
1/11 Alio/Skyward training for Sheila 1:00 pm.
1/12 Interagency Mtg at PGPD 8:30 am for Kyle and Zack
1/13 Faculty Mtg 8:15 with Ellie Young from BYU
1/13 SCC Mtg 1:30-2:30 in Faculty room
1/13 Gigg Social Media Mtg for Zack 1:00 @ D.O.
1/14 Divisional Principal's mtg for Kyle 2:00 pm.
1/18 Martin Luther King Day. NO SCHOOL
1/19 Council PTA Mtg here at Grovecrest in Media Center 9:30 a.m.
1/21 Elementary Principals' Mtg 9-12 for Kyle
1/21-22 Principals' STEM Academy for Kyle.

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
1/9 Denice Apgood
1/17 Jackie Hull

  • Congrats to all the Reflections winners.  I'll announce them in the assembly.  Please congratulate them sometime this week.
  • A big Congrats to Wendi for being one of PG's Chamber of Commerce Educators of the Year.
  • Sheila is finally on Twitter!  Yay!!!
Check out our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Really awesome things going on.  Fantastic job everyone!!

Great Video of the Week
Really quick video about using technology for formative assessments.  Think about how this could be done in your grade.  I can see it working in any grade.

Funny of the Week
This is for all you English gurus.

Quote for the Week

Have an Amazing week!

Monday, January 4, 2016

MAM 1/4/16

Hey All,
Yes folks.  It is the Monday AFTERNOON Memo.  I had so much fun during my break that I didn't even bother to create this.  I wanted to make the most of my break.  I did come into work on the 30th to interview for a new head sweeper.  Yes, we are losing Cody.  He will be working at Winco. So, if you do any late night shopping at Winco, he is there during the graveyard shift.  Our new head sweeper is Jake Harper.  He will be shadowing Cody tomorrow, so many of you will be able to meet him.  Both Steve and I were very impressed with him and he should be able to take off where Cody left off.

I know I may be beating a dead horse, but I read another article on homework over the break.  It really makes me wonder about the relevance of homework.  I still ask the question, "what about the future?"  Yes, it may not be the best for elementary kids, but what about when the kids get out of elementary?  Will they be prepared for secondary ed and higher ed where homework is a pretty big deal?  I'm still doing some reading on it.  I would like some more feedback if you so feel inclined.

Thank you for using our new hashtag.  I've wanted the community to be more involved in helping to tell the Grovecrest story, but I have yet to see much there other than when Belle Cahoon did the food drive.  Her mom posted on our Facebook page.  If you don't know, the hashtag is #WeRGrizzlies.  Continue to use #PawPower and #teamkid whenever you can, but make sure from now on, you use #WeRGrizzlies.

Question of the Week

It is the new year and I as I toured the lower grades earlier this afternoon, I notice some of you talking with your students about New Year's goals and resolutions.  Thinking about this and including thoughts shared with me through my own PLN, I've thought a lot about the idea of #OneWord that would epitomize what we would like to do to make 2016 amazing.  I'm sure many if not all of you have resolutions or goals you would like to work on.  Could you condense it all to one word?  What one word would describe what you would like to do to make the rest of this year awesome?  Please comment with your word and why in the comments section.  Remember to check back and comment on each other's comments.  Discussion is always good as we have learned during our PLC time and it doesn't always have to happen face to face.  I've been toying with a few words for my #OneWord for 2016 and I've come to "Experience".  I will explain in a personal blog I will share with you all.

Please pay attention to the To Be Aware Ofs.  There is some important information there.
To Be Aware Of
  • There is a question of the week above.  Please respond.  We want to use it as a conversation piece.  Please take part.
  • REMINDER:  Don't ever leave a student unattended with a device or in the computer lab.  There was an incident at another school here in PG where the teacher left some students unattended and they accessed some inappropriate material.  This goes for use of chromebooks.  Make sure your instruction takes place behind the students so you can see the screen.  If there is a need to move to the front of the room, think of what you could do so you are always aware of where your students are (maybe send a student up to write on the board).  I just don't want anyone to get in trouble.
  • How is Edivate going for all of you?  I'm wondering if it is beneficial to you.  Are you just using video PD, creating video to collaborate about, taking courses, what?  Please let me know.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • Make sure to complete your self evaluation on Observertab if you haven't already.  This is REQUIRED and shouldn't take you too long.
  • Please look at the calendar for openings for the 2nd round of evaluations.  I'll be focusing on standards 5 and 6.  Schedule "B" people, you need to schedule times as well and let me know what indicators you want me to observe you on.
  • Grovecrest now has a Facebook Page.  www.facebook.com/grovecgrizzlies.  Please like and post whenever you can.  We want our community to take part in it as well.  I hope they will post using our new hashtag #WeRGrizzlies.  When talking to parents, encourage them to take part.
  • I've mentioned the idea of a parent training night on January 14th, sorta like an edcamp for parents.  The biggest concern for parents is helping their kids with math and helping with our efforts to teach kids digital citizenship.  Some have asked about compensation for time if you were to participate.  I'm not sure if we can compensate you financially, but I may be able to let you go early (with the kids) for a week and/or cover you class a few times so you can get other things done.  Please let me know if you would be willing to help with this parent night.  I hope it will be well attended.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule.  Here is a link.

Save The Date
1/5 Reflections awards night @ Oak Canyon Jr. 7:00 pm.
1/6 CTL Mtg 8:15 with BYU
1/7 Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year Banquet for Wendi and Kyle 11:45-1:15.
1/8 Principal mtg for Kyle 1:00 pm.
1/11 Alio/Skyward training for Sheila 1:00 pm.
1/13 Faculty Mtg 8:15
1/13 SCC Mtg 1:30-2:30 in Faculty room
1/14 Divisional Principal's mtg for Kyle 2:00 pm.
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
No birthdays this week unless John Stuart's was on the 1st instead of in October.  I have conflicting information.

I gotta go with what I saw today as I toured lower grade.

  • Heather was going over goals with her class.  Each one of her tables had created table goals for the rest of the year.  Go check them out.
  • Alysha did read aloud differently in her class today.  Instead of doing it herself, one of her students shared a favorite book as a read aloud!  What a "novel" idea.
  • Carolyn dumped all her connect cubes on the floor and told her kids to start counting.  The kids were able to figure out that counting by tens was a lot easier than counting by ones.  Great math activity!
  • Wendi is a finalist for the Chamber of Commerce Educator of the Year this year.  Congrats Wendi!

All this is on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Really awesome things going on the first day back from break.  Fantastic job everyone!!

Great Video of the Week
No video of the week this week.

Quote for the Week

Have an Amazing week!