Did you see the Lunar Eclipse last night? It was pretty cool. If you didn't see it, here is a picture a friend of mine took.
To Be Aware Of
- No more drills for a while. There will be less information given out for the next round of drills so we can be better prepared for the unexpected.
- Thanks to those who turned in their SLOs. Those who haven't turned them in, please do so ASAP. Use the links from last week's MMM for the forms to use.
- I need two teachers who are willing to upload a video of you teaching to Edivate. It is part of the STEM Action Grant that allows us to have it for free. Please let me know that you are willing and then we can set up a phone or ipad camera in the back of the room to record and then upload.
- Keep track of what duty you have each week. There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty. We need to make sure the kids are safe. Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
- The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited. Here is a link to the page. I've only had a few share on this page. Take a look. It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.
- Our first Edivate assembly will be this morning. We will let you know how it goes. Remember to focus on Edivate during this time.
- Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format. Here is a short video on what an edcamp is. This is not all of the information you will need to know. I'll share more. I just don't want to overwhelm you now. Also, in order to make our edcamp work, I would like all of you to respond to this interest survey.
I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.
Cleaning Schedule
Sept. Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov. 5th Grade
Dec. 3rd Grade
Jan. 2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
Refer to the schedule. Here is a link.
Save The Date
9/28 Edivate Assembly
9/28 School PTA Carnival
9/29 PTA Council Mtg @ Manila - Kyle
9/29 DIBELS Testing for K-3 by District Curriculum 9:30
9/29 Skyward training for parent teacher conferences
9/30 BYU Partnership Conference 8:30-1:00 - Kyle
9/30 Double Dosing Aide Training
10/2 5th Grade Field Trip
10/5 Skyward/Alio Training - Sheila
10/5-9 Book Fair
10/7-8 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/8 School Pictures
10/8 Secretary Training - Sheila
10/9 4th Grade Utah Stormwater Coalition - Downstairs
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
9/29 Nicole Sallenback
10/4 Tess McCleskey
I listened to BetteJo read to her kids last week. One of the better read alouds I've heard.
We have to celebrate Cheryl and the reading committee for putting on an amazing assembly last week and for putting together another fantastic reading incentive.
Check out some of the great things everyone is doing via our twitter feed on the website. Some really great things are happening.
Great Video of the Week
Look to video above and remember Edivate during the assembly.
Great Read of the Week
Great article from the author of Mindset. It is a wonderful read. Please read it and let me know what you think. Here is the link.
Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!