Monday, August 31, 2015

8/31/15 MMM

Hey folks,
I learned a great lesson this week about the potential of kids.  We all have kids in our classes who are hard either because they don't have a supportive family background, they are slow, or they just have bad behavior.  The important thing to remember is that we don't know the potential of these kids.  We cannot prejudge or judge at all because they may be our hardest workers, may make the greatest growth, and end up being someone very successful in life.  What we need to remember to do is expose them to opportunities to grow, problem solve, learn from failure, and learn from being successful.  Remember Growth Mindset.  Remember some of the most famous and successful people were ones who did not perform well in school.  We need to make sure we are encouragers, not discouragers.  We need to help the kids find their AWESOME!  We all have AWESOME in us!
I found a great article on the impact of class sizes on learning.  I think it would be a good read for all of us considering how big some of our classes are.  It is interesting that as much as we get concerned about how big our classes are, it is not even close to the most impactful thing to our kids' learning.  Read this article and then do some research on John Haddie.  I know this is a touchy subject and I'm sure we can have a great discussion on it.  I'm not choosing one side or the other.  I know from experience it is a lot easier with smaller classes than with larger, but when faced with a large class, there are things we can do that can be very impactful.  Read the article and tell me what you think.

To Be Aware Of
  • Fire Drill on Wednesday at 1:30.  For the first few drills, you will know when they are so you can train your kids.  Eventually, they will be unannounced to make them more real for us.
  • At our assemblies, we have expectations that our students pay attention and show respect to those who are up front and presenting.  We need to make sure that we practice those same expectations.  Please don't bring your computers or homework to assemblies.  We need to pay attention as well.
  • Keep track of what duty you have each week.  There have been a few times where there hasn't been someone out on duty.  We need to make sure the kids are safe.  Here is a link to the duty list for quick reference
  • The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.  I've only had a few share on this page.  Take a look.  It is easy and I would like to know what everyone is thinking about.
  • The Monday Assemblies Zack and I will be doing are going to be every 4th Monday, or the last school Monday of the month starting in September.  We will call them Edivate Assemblies since you will be working on Edivate during those times.
  • The first faculty Mtg that will be devoted to your passion projects will be on September 16th.  This may change, but there will be 4 of our faculty meetings devoted to that.
  • Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Information about this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.
  • Zack and I will be scheduling Oliver Button readings soon.  Monthly Kyle reads will be scheduled each month as well.

I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 Higgins
11:32 Hull
11:33 Mac
11:34 McKell
11:25 Connell
11:26 Herman
11:27 Fisher
11:28 West
11:56 Schafer
11:58 Wilson
12:00 Whipple
12:02 Nichols
11:55 Austin
11:57 Fiorucci
11:59 Durrant
12:01 CJohnson
12:20 Green
12:22 MJohnson
12:24 Oswald
12:26 Day
12:21 McCleskey
12:23 Allen
12:25 Krall
12:27 Rooke

Save The Date
9/1 Reading Committee Mtg 8:15
9/1 Alio/Skyward Training 1-4
9/2 Power IEP Training 9-10 Kyle
9/2 Fire Drill 1:30
9/3 Parent Ballroom Mtg 4pm
9/4 4th grade Planet Aquarium In School Field Trip
9/7 Labor Day No School!
9/9 School Community Council Mtg 2-3

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
2nd Meredith Durrant

I have to celebrate Ryan getting down on his hands and knees doing math with his kids.  They were finding numbers on a 10,000 chart and he was right down there with them.
Congrats to Melinda and Jessica for surviving the first week of Kindergarten.  We have to remember this is the first time for both teaching Kinder and they did fantastically!
Hunter Weight from Casey's class figured out Casey's 9 challenge.  Ask Casey what it is.  The first child in 13 years.
Thanks for the amazing Back To School Night.  We had more at our parent meeting than any other time since I've been here.  I've also been the recipient of some very positive remarks of how we do things at Grovecrest, especially from those who are newcomers.  Great things are happening here and we need to celebrate that.

Great Video of the Week
We watched a Kid President clip today in the upper grade assembly.  It was great.  Kid President has another Pep Talk to students and teachers that is pretty good as well.  Take a few minutes and enjoy.

Great Read of the Week
Same article from above.

Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!

Monday, August 24, 2015

MMM 8/24/2015

Hey folks,
The first week was awesome!  I really appreciate those who participated in the Blue Carpet event.  Parents were very impressed and enjoyed that morning event.  I have heard from some parents that said they felt bad they missed it.  I know it was a bit chaotic, but we will make plans to make it better for next year and we will advertise it better as well.
This is our first PLC Monday of the year and I hope all will set aside time to look at Edivate today.  Some teams have talked to me and said that it was in their plans.  I wanted to share one of the video clips I have watched.  It has to do with STEM.  Here is a link.  Let me know what you think.  It will also be in the video of the week section of this MMM.

To Be Aware Of
This Thursday will be our Back to School night from 5-7.  Please publicize this with your kids and parents.  We will be sending home a note, putting it on Facebook, Twitter, Remind, School Messenger, and the website.  However, your help in getting the word out by your means will be helpful.  Just so you know, this Back to School night will be a lot more interactive for parents in the big parent meeting.  There will still be the PTA budget part of it that All parents LOVE to attend, but there will be an exercise I will put parents through as well.  This is why we need more parents there than we usually have and this is why I need your help in getting the word out.
The Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.
The Monday Assemblies Zack and I will be doing are going to be every 4th Monday, or the last school Monday of the month starting in September.  We will call them Edivate Assemblies since you will be working on Edivate during those times.
The first faculty Mtg that will be devoted to your passion projects will be in September.  This may change, but there will be 4 of our faculty meetings devoted to that.
Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Information about this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.
Zack and I will be scheduling Oliver Button readings soon.  Monthly Kyle reads will be scheduled each month as well.
I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 Hull
11:32 Mac
11:33 McKell
11:34 Higgins
11:25 Herman
11:26 Fisher
11:27 West
11:28 Connell
11:56 Wilson
11:58 Whipple
12:00 Nichols
12:02 Schafer
11:55 Fiorucci
11:57 Durrant
11:59 CJohnson
12:01 Austin
12:20 MJohnson
12:22 Oswald
12:24 Day
12:26 Green
12:21 Allen
12:23 Krall
12:25 Rooke
12:27 McCleskey

Save The Date
8/25 Council PTA Mtg - Kyle 9:30
8/27 Hearing Screening
8/27 Back to School Night 5-7
8/31 NetSmart Assembly
9/1 Reading Committee Mtg 8:15
9/1 Alio/Skyward Training 1-4
9/2 Power IEP Training 9-10 Kyle
9/3 Parent Ballroom Mtg 4pm
9/4 4th grade Planet Aquarium In School Field Trip

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday
Last week:
17th Connie Beck
17th Marcy McLendon
19th Wendi Austin
This Week:
24th Rashel Fiorucci
24th Andrea Hemenway
25th Sheila Chipman
There were several Birthdays this summer. Happy Birthday to you as well.  Not in any particular order:
Susan Bertele
Ryan Green
Cody Larsen
Tambee McKell
Alyssa Nichols
Alyssa Richins
Christi Banks
Suzanne Boren
Nicke Brown
Marty Langworthy
Sandra Priddis
Mary Raddatz

I was able to make it to every class every day last week either through rules rotation or a quick visit.  That is my goal this year and I hope to make it.
Heather Connell was having her kids do idea maps for autobiographies on just the third day!  Can you believe that? 2nd graders doing idea maps and not even a week in.  Awesome!!
Tess McClesky put her students through the Mindset Questionnaire found on page 12 of the book.  She said it was a great discussion.  I know because my daughter who is in her class was talking about it at home.  Great thinking to do that with your students.

Great Video of the Week

Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First Week 2015 MMM 8/19/2015

Hey folks,
This first one is not going to be real fancy.  I let the cat out of the bag in our training this morning and said something about staying up late.  Well, guess what. I'm up late again, but I promised to get this to you so I'm going to.  The biggest reason for this is to get the lunch schedule out to everyone.
The training yesterday with iReady I hope was beneficial.  I know some of us don't have as ready access to devices to do the activities.  This is why it is very important to plan open computer lab times for your classes.  Get on the schedule so we don't double book those times.
I'm also excited to start sharing with each other the Mindset Challenge from before the iReady training.  Remember, I want all of us to try something new this year that would make our school better.  This could be something you try on your own, with a partner, or as a team.  It doesn't have to be a save the world type project.  Just something new you want to try that you are passionate about.  I've provided a place for all of us to reflect together in a new google classroom.  I invited all of you to join it.  I chose google classroom to learn more about it and to show all of you another option for your own classroom.  I really do want us all to share and reflect with each other, but if public reflection is not something you want to do, I would encourage you to reflect in some way for yourself.  I like to write because it makes my reflections more permanent.  I also like to publicize my reflections for two big reasons: I want to be an example to our students in publishing work to a broader audience and I get suggestions/comments from others that help me grow.  You decide what you want to do, but please try something new and please reflect.

To Be Aware Of
As mentioned above, the Grovecrest Faculty Passion Project google classroom page is open and you all have been invited.  Here is a link to the page.
The Monday Assemblies Zack and I will be doing are going to be every 4th Monday, or the last school Monday of the month starting in September.  We will call them Edivate Assemblies since you will be working on Edivate during those times.
The first faculty Mtg that will be devoted to your passion projects will be in September.  This may change, but there will be 4 of our faculty meetings devoted to that.
Our PD day in October will be in an edcamp format.  Information in this will come to you throughout the coming weeks in preparation.
Zack and I will be scheduling Oliver Button readings next week.  Monthly Kyle reads will be scheduled each month as well.
I will let you know the evaluation schedule when I get it.

Cleaning Schedule
Sept.  Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov.  5th Grade
Dec.  3rd Grade
Jan.  2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May  Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist

Lunch Schedule
11:31 Mac
11:32 McKell
11:33 Higgins
11:34 Hull
11:25 Connell
11:26 West
11:27 Fisher
11:28 Herman
11:56 Whipple
11:58 Nichols
12:00 Wilson
12:02 Schafer
11:55 Durrant
11:57 CJohnson
11:59 Austin
12:01 Fiorucci
12:20 Oswald
12:22 Day
12:24 Green
12:26 MJohnson
12:21 Krall
12:23 Rooke
12:25 McCleskey
12:27 Allen

Save The Date
8/25 Council PTA Mtg - Kyle 9:30
8/27 Back to School Night 5-7

*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.

Happy Birthday

Great first PD and contract days.  I feel we learned a ton and in the process, we were able to serve another school as well.  I'm excited to see how iReady works for everyone.
Your rooms all look amazing. Great places for our students to learn.  Did you see Melinda's hallway display?  Pretty awesome!

Great Video of the Week
None this week.

Have a Great 1st day and an Amazing week!