The time is flying by. I can't believe February is almost through. Remember the trimester ends this Friday. Grades are due this weekend. Please fill out this form when you have finalized and posted your grades. It is just a yes question.
I would encourage any who are on Twitter to take part in the Wednesday night #Utedchat. It is pretty neat. This week's topic is more of an administrative topic, but since I am moderating, I could use some teacher feedback and responses. The topic is "Juggling Classroom & Office time". It is from 8-9 on Wednesday night. Get on your twitter account, search for #Utedchat, make sure each of your posts have that hashtag in it. Just so you know, information will be coming at you like a firehose. You'll get in a conversation with one person and miss other info, but it is all archived if you want to go back and read. Quite the learning experience. There is an app called Tweetdeck that may help keep track of it all. If you want to learn about it, come into my office or watch this tutorial.
I would like to come around and read a book to everyone each month. Come talk to me about a time I can come in and read to you. It is a great book.
You are all still welcome to comment on last weeks reflection topic if you would like. I have heard from many that TodaysMeet is blocked. If you are hardwired in, you will be. If you are using the Staff WiFi, then you should be able to get to it.
I would encourage any who are on Twitter to take part in the Wednesday night #Utedchat. It is pretty neat. This week's topic is more of an administrative topic, but since I am moderating, I could use some teacher feedback and responses. The topic is "Juggling Classroom & Office time". It is from 8-9 on Wednesday night. Get on your twitter account, search for #Utedchat, make sure each of your posts have that hashtag in it. Just so you know, information will be coming at you like a firehose. You'll get in a conversation with one person and miss other info, but it is all archived if you want to go back and read. Quite the learning experience. There is an app called Tweetdeck that may help keep track of it all. If you want to learn about it, come into my office or watch this tutorial.
I would like to come around and read a book to everyone each month. Come talk to me about a time I can come in and read to you. It is a great book.
You are all still welcome to comment on last weeks reflection topic if you would like. I have heard from many that TodaysMeet is blocked. If you are hardwired in, you will be. If you are using the Staff WiFi, then you should be able to get to it.
To Be Aware of
- Flu season is not over. Please take care of yourselves.
- For those of your students who didn't get a chance to finish the SAGE writing, today is the last day. The State has given us one more day to get things done. Ryan has opened it up again.
- The people at Edivation (Soon to be Edivate) are wanting to know if we want a training on March 9th starting at 10:30 or 1. I need feedback so I can let them know when to come. I hope from faculty meeting you were able to see Edivation as a benefit and something that will help you out as a teacher. I hope you don't see it as "one more new thing", but as a resource you can use. I have played with it often, and I enjoy listening to and watching the PD videos that are available. I'm excited to get discuss many of them with all of you.
- Jeanne Bates came and my evaluation turned out how I hoped. It is a relief to have it done. Speaking of evaluations, I have to have all of yours turned in by the end of this week. If you haven't been observed this last time, please sign up today for a time sometime this week. I will try to make the post evaluation meeting short and sweet. It will be a lot like years past in that there is a form you will have to sign on one side and initial in several places on the other. It looks a lot like the old SET.
Sept. Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov. 5th Grade
Dec. 3rd Grade
Jan. 2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
11:31 Hull
11:32 Mac
11:33 McKell
11:34 Sharma
11:25 Herman
11:26 Higgins
11:27 West
11:28 Connell
11:56 Wilson
11:58 Whipple
12:00 Nichols
12:02 Wright
12:03 Schafer
11:55 Fiorucci
11:57 Crossley
11:59 CJohnson
12:01 Austin
12:20 MJohnson
12:22 Oswald
12:24 Day
12:26 Green
12:21 Allen
12:23 Krall
12:25 Rooke
12:27 Paravato
Save the Date
2/24 PG PTA Council Meeting - Kyle 9:30
2/25 CTL Meeting 8:15
2/26 Principal Mtg 12:30
2/26 PGJH 6th Grade Music Pre-registration 1:45
2/27 Budget lab for principals 8:30-10:30
2/27 End of Trimester two.
3/1 Grades due for Trimester two
3/2-6 Battle of the Books
3/2 Dr. Seuss Day
3/3 Interagency Mtg 8:30 - Kyle
3/4 District Technology Buyers Guide 2:30 - Kyle & Zack
3/5 K-12 Seminar - Kyle 9-1
3/6 Administrative Conference Committee Mtg 1:00 - Kyle
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
2/23 Nedra Baum
Celebrations/Things I Noticed
If any of you notice great things some of your teammates are doing, please share by commenting below or telling me so I can include it in future MMMs.
- Casey had a great conversation with his class on fraction/decimal equivalents. He has a great way creating a curiosity with math with his kids. Really fun to watch!
- The Invention Convention was a great success. Wonderful job 6th grade and 6th grade teachers. I really liked how the kids had to come up with something innovative to go with their study of inventions. Way cool!
- Sarah was talking about different types of volcanoes one day last week. She was talking about stuff that came out of volcanoes, like lava, ash, gas, etc. One boy was a little confused and said people spewed out of them. Sarah knows the story a lot better than I do and tells it better. It was quite funny.
- Alysha gave a great lesson on inference using an online puzzle program. Maybe the reason I liked it so much was the puzzle was of me. Actually, her pieces of information as clues to the puzzle were great and how she tied the activity into inferences in reading and writing was wonderful.
Great Video clip of the Week
Just plain great to watch and listen to.
Great Read of the Week
A short read and a podcast from one of my heros George Couros. It is on innovation. I hope you all get something from it. Just out of curiosity, I am wondering how many actually listen or read these things. Will you comment/email me a let me know if you do? It won't stop me from including them here. At least some will learn something from them. Thanks
Have a Great Week! #PawPower!!
Great Read of the Week
A short read and a podcast from one of my heros George Couros. It is on innovation. I hope you all get something from it. Just out of curiosity, I am wondering how many actually listen or read these things. Will you comment/email me a let me know if you do? It won't stop me from including them here. At least some will learn something from them. Thanks
Have a Great Week! #PawPower!!