One more week to go. I'm excited about this week and the festivities planned. I'm even looking forward to getting my head shaved this morning. Really I'm wanting to see what Zack looks like without any hair! Ha! I've been around to many of you to observe you. I have been so impressed! One thing I need to remind you of and that is to be effective on the new evaluation is like getting a 4 or 5 on the old SET. Highly effective is like getting a 6! Remember, the new standards are more rigorous. They require more, but I've seen more. You guys are such amazing teachers! #PawPower!!
To Be Aware of
- I'm keeping this up just in case there are some who haven't signed up. I think most have signed up for +Remind. If you haven't, let me know and I will show you how. It is a great communication piece.
- The events committee has been very busy getting this week together. Please let them know your gratitude for setting things up. This is going to be a great week!
- The representative for iReady will be here today for collaboration. He will be demonstrating the program that has been awarded us through the State STEM Action grant. This will start at 2:30 in the computer lab. Everybody needs to be there. It will go till 4. Bring your laptops.
- We need to practice the Faculty Christmas Song for the Sing. How about Tuesday Morning at 8:30?
Cleaning Schedule
Sept. Office
Oct. 6th Grade
Nov. 5th Grade
Dec. 3rd Grade
Jan. 2nd Grade
Feb. 1st Grade
Mar. 4th Grade
Apr. SPED and Computer Specialist
May Kinder, Life Skills, & P.E. Specialist
Lunch Schedule
11:31 Hull
11:32 Mac
11:33 McKell
11:34 Sharma
11:25 Herman
11:26 Higgins
11:27 West
11:28 Connell
11:56 Wilson
11:58 Whipple
12:00 Nichols
12:02 Wright
12:03 Schafer
11:55 Fiorucci
11:57 Crossley
11:59 CJohnson
12:01 Austin
12:20 MJohnson
12:22 Oswald
12:24 Day
12:26 Green
12:21 Allen
12:23 Krall
12:25 Rooke
12:27 Paravato
Save the Date
12/15 Head Shaving assembly
12/15 iReady presentation in Computer Lab.
12/16 Practice Faculty Christmas
12/17 Jr. High Spanish Christmas Caroling
12/17 CTL mtg 8:15
12/19 Christmas Sing 10:00 or 1:15? (5th grade I know you have rotations scheduled in the morning).
Christmas Break till January 5th.
1/5 Winter DRA testing window opens
1/8 Principal's Cohort PLC - Kyle
*Look at the Faculty Calendar on Google for other events.
Happy Birthday
12/25 Julie McAllister
12/28 Amanda Wright
12/30 Rachel Day
12/28 Amanda Wright
12/30 Rachel Day
Celebrations/Things I Noticed
I would like to try something a little different in this section. Along with the celebrations, I want to share with all of you some of the many things I notice as I come around on #NoOfficeDay. My purpose for this is that I have a lot more freedom to roam around and I think it would be beneficial for you to learn what your colleagues are doing that are helping our students learn at high levels. I'll continue posting them on our Twitter account. There are so many great practices that take place daily. I would at least like to highlight some of them. This is meant to help us share and generate ideas to help our children learn using best practices. I hope this is helpful to you all. If any of you notice great things some of your teammates are doing, please share by commenting below or telling me so I can include it in future MMMs.
- Thanks to the Events Committee for an amazing week of events and food. Thanks to all those who volunteered to bring food and help clean up.
- I noticed Lori last week give an amazing lesson on subject/predicate where she used QR codes. It was fun to watch
- I noticed Julie give a lesson on addition. She used her iPads in student groups. She showed a fun pirate movie to go with it. Great use of technology in a kindergarten class.
- Great job Cheryl and the reading committee for a wonderfully planned reading incentive with the Shaved Head. Over a million minutes combined student and parent reading.
- Sarah did a great lesson on Fraction comparisons. It was an Inquiry lesson and the kids had to decide which fraction was bigger in a real world context. It was fun to watch
Great Video clip of the Week
I listened to this great Ted Talk today and it was inspiring as well as made me ask questions about where I was on the scope of how I used technology as a learner and an instructor. I want all of you to think about where you are on the divide mentioned at timestamp 0:40 and comment on what you could do to use technology more effectively.
Great Read of the Week
Two great article on the innovative mindset by one of my heros, George Couros. He knows his stuff. Read them in order.
Have a Great Holiday Break!
Great Read of the Week
Two great article on the innovative mindset by one of my heros, George Couros. He knows his stuff. Read them in order.
Have a Great Holiday Break!